Just how insane are the politicians of San Francisco?

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the city spends $5 million a year on the "Managed Alcohol Program," a program providing free alcohol to the city's homeless alcoholics.

And now you know the answer to the question? TOTALLY INSANE!
On top of that, Californication was/is also looking into passing legislation to force all taxpayers who leave the state to continue paying Californication income tax for, what was it, up to one year after they leave the state, maybe two years? Wow! When the voters in that state have nothing on the ballot but the same kind of trash they have had in office for decades now, that state is finished! Whether that passed or not, it shows to us all the level of corruption in the hearts and minds of that state's legislators and governor!

All states will either go down the same path, or something much bigger will transpire, but only in accordance with what the Lord allows.

Here is a short overview of that Californication "exit tax."

"As part of this California 10 year tax, the exit tax is 0.4% of an individuals’ net worth over $30,000,000 in a tax year, which is halved if you have a spouse filing a separate tax return. However, this all depends on your residency status, which can be a complicated matter." (https://www.sambrotman.com/blog/california-exit-tax)

Over $30 million...wow, we all better watch out for that, huh?
