Just Interviewed At My Fiance's Center

They have an opening for the same position that I am in now. So, I applied, passed the skills verification test and had my interview today. Now I am just hanging in the breakroom waiting for her to get done for the day.

Switching to here because she's having a harder time driving back and forth. It can take over 90 minutes some days to get there or get home. She's had to stop on the side of the road and nap because she starts falling asleep because her lupus and sjogren'scauses major fatigue. If I get the position I can just drive everyday.

I think I did well. Had one lady (there were four people) nodding at my answers and at one point she said that was good. One of the other people I know through my fiance and three of the have net me before. The thing is though. My answers to the questions have to hit the right words and yes I have the job in another center, I'm not for sure getting this one.

We'll see!
Hello naomanos;

You are seeking a new job at the center where your fiance works? May I ask, what is her job?

If you're hired you'll give your notice at the other center that you've accepted another job opportunity? Your potential new job would be the same role?

Ideally, this would enable you both to go to work together.

I'm asking just to be clear.

God bless you, naomanos.
You are seeking a new job at the center where your fiance works?

Same job, different center.

May I ask, what is her job?

She is also a tax collector, but in a higher position.

If you're hired you'll give your notice at the other center that you've accepted another job opportunity?

I asked if they would be okay with me applying for the spot at her center before I did so. I was told that I have no obligation to the Department of Revenue nor they to me and that Indont owe them anything. If I was to die tomorrow they would hire someone else the same day to fill the seat (paraphrased). She said I have to do what's best for me and my fiance.

Your potential new job would be the same role?

It's the same exact role, yes. It's technically not a new job, just the same job same position different service center.

Ideally, this would enable you both to go to work together.

Technically, yes. We wouldn't be working side by side as she works front counter and I would be in the back, but we'd be in the same building, can take lunch together, etc.

This will help her out quite a bit since I will do the driving and she won't have to.
I got the call today and I wasn't chosen for the spot in my fiance's center.

To say I am extremely disappointed is an understatement. It was a shock to everyone who wanted me to get the spot and even to my two managers in my center who were certain I would get it.
I got the call today and I wasn't chosen for the spot in my fiance's center. To say I am extremely disappointed is an understatement. It was a shock to everyone who wanted me to get the spot and even to my two managers in my center who were certain I would get it.

Hello naomanos;

Hey, brother, I'm sorry you weren't chosen. This gig would have been ideal for you and your fiance.

I was rooting for you and for what it's worth, praise God you have your current job ongoing.

Perhaps another opening may post in that area one day. I hope so.

God bless
you, naomanos, and your fiance.
naomanos I am so sorry, and am praying that another ideal position will be opened.
God Bless you both.
Hello naomanos;

Hey, brother, I'm sorry you weren't chosen. This gig would have been ideal for you and your fiance.

I was rooting for you and for what it's worth, praise God you have your current job ongoing.

Perhaps another opening may post in that area one day. I hope so.

God bless
you, naomanos, and your fiance.

Thank you!
Hello naomanos;

Hey, brother, I'm sorry you weren't chosen. This gig would have been ideal for you and your fiance.

I was rooting for you and for what it's worth, praise God you have your current job ongoing.

Perhaps another opening may post in that area one day. I hope so.

God bless
you, naomanos, and your fiance.

After thinking about it, I believe that the phrase it's not about where you work, but who you work with, rings true here.

Another reason for trying to make the switch to her center is that I feel very much alone where I work. It's a smaller center and I have no friends. No one hangs out during their lunch break in the break room it seems except for me. They all go sit out in their cars. After work, everyone is out the door and into their cars to go home. During the day there is joking around and whatnot, but there isn't a sense of comradery. I feel like an island unto myself. I hate it.

At my fiance's center, I have her friends that have become my friends. They hang out in the break room together, they hang out after work in the parking lot discussing the day that they had so they can handle the next day if that makes sense.
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After thinking about it, I believe that the phrase it's not about where you work, but who you work with, rings true here. Another reason for trying to make the switch to her center is that I feel very much alone where I work. It's a smaller center and I have no friends. No one hangs out during their lunch break in the break room it seems except for me. They all go sit out in their cars. After work, everyone is out the door and into their cars to go home. During the day there is joking around and whatnot, but there isn't a sense of comradery. I feel like an island unto myself. I hate it. At my fiance's center, I have her friends that have become my friends. They hang out in the break room together, they hang out after work in the parking lot discussing the day that they had so they can handle the next day if that makes sense.

Good morning, naomanos;

Before I was called into the full time ministry, I worked 43 years in 2 other specific professions. During those years I can relate to co-workers going to their cars or other places where they can be alone during lunch or break times. I would find myself alone in the lunchroom. I really don't know the reason at your place of work but would speculate there isn't a feel of team play.

I also worked at jobs where co-workers sat together before and during breaks and lunch. After work many of us got together at house parties, softball, bowling or going to a beach party. There was a bonding that lasted even after we moved on from the job.

Thing is, those were the days we didn't have electronics to isolate or have our space from each other like there is today.

Like I said I may be speculating regarding your work atmosphere. It's good you have friends from your fiance's work. Perhaps you can break the ice and invite one or two co-workers to join you.

God bless you, brother.
Perhaps you can break the ice and invite one or two co-workers to join you.

I tried. They just want to go out in their car for the whole hour.

The lack of team play is a thing. I am still learning how to do my job and I am afraid to ask questions because when I do management tells me that I should know this already and then proceed to answer condescendingly. I want to keep this job, but I am starting to hate getting up and going there.
I tried. They just want to go out in their car for the whole hour.

The lack of team play is a thing. I am still learning how to do my job and I am afraid to ask questions because when I do management tells me that I should know this already and then proceed to answer condescendingly. I want to keep this job, but I am starting to hate getting up and going there.

Hello naomanos;

I've also been there, more than once from a couple of different managers at different jobs.

I've experienced most managers as a reflection of their ability to train effectively. When I was the trainer I learned the capacity of the person being trained. My higher up manager pointed this out to me and encouraged me to take the extra step to retrain the worker until it sank in. Patience to a point.

Of course there were some who were just unqualified but there is nothing wrong with asking questions and if extra training is needed.

As a worker I also kept notes of these happenings with management so when it was time for review I respectfully questioned the area where they felt I should know my job already. It sounds daring but I had to be honest with respect to their position and of course, prayer.

God bless you, naomanos.
