Law vs Gospel

The Law of Moses being given to Israel manifested the love of God to them, and eventually to the world! He chose a “people,” which could have been any nation, to establish knowledge and faith in Himself. First, He must inform man of his guilt before Him, in order that that may choose to believe in Him, love Him and follow Him. Thus it was by the Law that He showed them their wrongs (Jhn 9:41; 15:22, 24); and it was by the sacrificial ordinances that He forgave those who believed in Him.

Thus, it was obedience to the Law that men chose to perform, in order to manifest their love to God; but it was through the sacrificial ordinances that forgiveness was established. Though there was still was some disobedience from the believers, God continued to forgive, for He knew man was a sinner and in need of redemption (which came latter).

The reason why the Law could only condemn was because it required the obedience of One who is without sin to obey it, so that the sacrifice would be flawless. No other sacrifice could God receive than that of a spotless and perfect nature. The Father could have sacrificed Himself, but that would not have been the greatest sacrifice!

“Until the redemption of the purchased possession” (Eph 1:14) could take place, the Father first chose to deal with the Jews (Rom 1:16; 2:9, 10), and after the rejection of the Lord Jesus by most of them (of course He knew would be the case) He proceeded to the Gentiles, which He also knew would be rejected by most (Mat 7:13, 14). Thus, the Law directed man to the Gospel of Christ (Gal 3:24, 25), and it being fulfilled by the Lord Jesus (Jhn 19:30), the Father made redemption possible.