As I was in class my professor touched upon the subject of kindness.. We read poems and discussed..but she analyzed it in a way I couldn't.
Currently I feel caught up in my own life issues that her explanation just blew my mind.
A drastic example she used was: " what if you won the lottery ...but as quickly as it came..lost it and what you had too(everything in the bank,house ECT.) and only had a dollar to your name. What if you bought an apple pie with that dollar and to your left was a homeless man...would you keep the apple pie for yourself or give him half of what you have?"
As she said that , in my mind I thought..that's really too much..but life can be tragic like that...
I also thought after those series of events...a person would be extremely bitter..and may even curse the homeless man out...
My professor later explained that its easy to be kind when you have alot or content...but when things are taken away..even your bare necessities are taken and you still have the heart to give the only shirt on your back to someone else lies true kindness...
Basically how can you know what's in you unless you've been tested? Another example she gave was a a village populated with people who were always honest..and one day a shady man comes in and changes that. Some people were lying and cheating ECT....but there were those who didnt..
Those who didnt lie ,before and after that man. Came into their village were the real honest people....
So Its like you don know how kind you are unless you're at your very last ..and still have the heart to give...that's true kindness.
I said that lengthy paragraph to say this...
When she said that..i made me think of my aunt, how bitter I've become, my living situation ,even my hair loss... And a prayer I prayed not too long ago , asking why am I going through this?
And I felt this was my answer... Despite how messed up my aunt was.. Will I still be kind, despite my situation will I still be kind? ... Despite hair loss will I still be kind?
I feel maybe this was the test..and my answer... It all clicked in that moment ..and made sense.... It made me tear up.. Listening to my professor and how.. Cynical I've become. ...
But now I can be better..
I had to share this BC it was so revealing
Thanks for reading.
Currently I feel caught up in my own life issues that her explanation just blew my mind.
A drastic example she used was: " what if you won the lottery ...but as quickly as it came..lost it and what you had too(everything in the bank,house ECT.) and only had a dollar to your name. What if you bought an apple pie with that dollar and to your left was a homeless man...would you keep the apple pie for yourself or give him half of what you have?"
As she said that , in my mind I thought..that's really too much..but life can be tragic like that...
I also thought after those series of events...a person would be extremely bitter..and may even curse the homeless man out...
My professor later explained that its easy to be kind when you have alot or content...but when things are taken away..even your bare necessities are taken and you still have the heart to give the only shirt on your back to someone else lies true kindness...
Basically how can you know what's in you unless you've been tested? Another example she gave was a a village populated with people who were always honest..and one day a shady man comes in and changes that. Some people were lying and cheating ECT....but there were those who didnt..
Those who didnt lie ,before and after that man. Came into their village were the real honest people....
So Its like you don know how kind you are unless you're at your very last ..and still have the heart to give...that's true kindness.
I said that lengthy paragraph to say this...
When she said that..i made me think of my aunt, how bitter I've become, my living situation ,even my hair loss... And a prayer I prayed not too long ago , asking why am I going through this?
And I felt this was my answer... Despite how messed up my aunt was.. Will I still be kind, despite my situation will I still be kind? ... Despite hair loss will I still be kind?
I feel maybe this was the test..and my answer... It all clicked in that moment ..and made sense.... It made me tear up.. Listening to my professor and how.. Cynical I've become. ...
But now I can be better..
I had to share this BC it was so revealing

Thanks for reading.