Leaving to go to NC Today for Training

Today is the day I leave for NC (headed to airport now) for a monthfor training for my new job.

Didn't want to leave as I always hate leaving my family. Cried in my girlfriend's arms this morning as I don't want to leave her either. I didn't even want to leave my dog. I don't do well away from home for weeks at a time.

Trying to be strong and failing currently. I know this is for the better, to better my life and my kid's lives. To help secure a better future for my girlfriend when she becomes my wife. But this is still very hard for me.

Have tears in my eyes as I am writing this.
Hi naomanos
You have a lovely heart.
Once you start your training week should go quickly. Then you will be excited at being on your way home and you will have the rest of your life with your family.
Have a safe journey. God be with you
Prayimg for you .
Will keep you all in prayer.
Leaving for any reason is never easy... but hopefully you'll have a good experience & learn stuff too! Keep us posted, & try to enjoy what you can of it.. & take lots of photos to share with your kids of whatever cool things you see..