legend in my own mind

legend in my own mind

I’m a legend in my own mind
But, no one else knows it,
I’ve Godly potential
But instead of listening to Jesus
I was Deceived by others and deceived my self.
Elvis has left the building
So did my logic and common sense…
Like a dog with two tails dancing about
So excited to do Gods will,
I didn’t wait and listen,
Only got half the message
And like a bull with a wasp,
Snarling and growling
Barking out the gospel
And like 1 Corinthians 13 said
A chocolate fire guard
would have been more effective
“Smarter not harder” I think is the way ahead,
I know I’m on ‘Gods honour list’
What did you do with Jesus
And what did you do in your own strength?
What might have been, ‘if I’d only’
Just “Be still and let God”?
spoiler alert!
I grabbed my bible
And turned to the last pages
And did you know?
it turns out all good!