Let's Think This Through...

One cannot expect cogent, logical, or rational reasoning to come out of any minds indoctrinated under the umbrella of postmodern philosophy or even the new post-postmodern philosophy.

Trying to understand modern rhetoric is like walking across a wet floor strewn with marbles, or as an old fighter pilot friend of mine described his first attempt at hovering a helicopter, it's "like trying to balance yourself atop a rolling bowling ball."
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One cannot expect cogent, logical, or rational reasoning to come out of any minds indoctrinated under the umbrella of postmodern philosophy or even the new post-postmodern philosophy.

Trying to understand modern rhetoric is like walking across a wet floor strewn with marbles, or as an old fighter pilot friend of mine described his first attempt at hovering a helicopter, it's "like trying to balance yourself atop a rolling bowling ball."

Well said.

As you can see, I haven't fallen off the edge of the world yet, and I can now see that you too are still top-side...:)
