Lord, I thank You for bringing me through

Father, I just want to take the time to tell You thank you for everything you have bought me through the good, the bad and the worst. I thank you for prayer for without it I would not be here today. I want to thank You for my family and the saints of God (brothers and sisters in Christ) praying for me. I thank You for the Holy Spirit for when I did not know what to say or how to pray for a situation the Holy Spirit interceded for me. I am thanking You for the Armor of God. Although sometimes darts did get through but You was there to lift me back up and strengthened me with Your power to stand with my shield of Faith shining and bouncing those darts right back at the enemy. So, Father, I thank You for the strength You give us your children each day even when we don't know that we have the power and strength to withstand we just only need to believe. Help me to always stay dressed in Your Armor for it is when we let our shield down that the enemy will shoot a warfare dart at us. Although we stray and don't listen at times, You are always there with us and watching and protecting us. You will never leave us nor forsake us. So, I thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins, I thank You for your unconditional love because You love us in spite of ourselves and because we have been made righteous through Your Son. I thank You for never giving up on us and always molding us like the potter molds his clay. We are the clay and You are the potter. We are gold being refined in the fire. Although the fire gets hot and we feel that we cannot bear it, You know what is needed in our lives to get us where we need to be. I thank You and Love You so very much!!!
