Lost and Found Bibles

I am praying on how to explain this today.
In 1972 at the age of 10 my Grandmother gave me my first KJV, it was pretty much lost when my parents divorced.
My dad took all of the things I had in storage and sold most of it. Pretty much what I had in my possession was gone.
My wife asked me to clear out the spare room to make more room. She Crochets hats and scarfs for for those resident in memory care.
Done it about 23 of the 25 years she has been there. Anyways we have hundreds to store. I digress.
So I was clearing out some boxes. Under a pile was two heavy boxes. I pushed them aside then curiosity got me and I opened them.
In the box was many very old Bibles, ( I will explain later ) but then this one with gold emboss I noticed. I opened it and their it was my Gift from
my Grandmother, signed by the Pastor and a church leader. I guess this was when I was baptized. was never quite sure back then the exact age.
But there it was. I am not sure if it was somehow given to my Grandmother, then my mom and then here. I am unsure. I have not seen it that I recall in maybe 45 years or so.

I was further gifted earlier this week when I found my Great Grandmothers Bible from the 1800's.
So what were all the other books. In 2012 I left the Impatient Drug Treatment Facility where I worked. The reasons I left are not something I can discuss in this forum.
But I can say their new curriculum was to be less God, more progressive. So they were throwing out Bibles so I saved them. They were not donating them, they were trash at this point. So there are many bibles and study guides as well as some old 12 step books.

The other box, also had books. I had forgot about these. They are a collection of some very old bibles going back to the 1800's and I think some before.
I remember these as I wanted to read the words before the newer printings. And one is a direct Greek translation.

So I sat on the floor with these boxes, smiling ear to ear. I thought I had donated the Bibles and I thought they others went with them accidently.
So many great memories.
And finding my first one I thought was lost. Made me very happy.

Of all the above, one thing brought me near to tears. My wife 20 years ago had written her testimony. She had come to Christ about 5 years
before I met her. It was in of all things and old concordance. In the box that had the older bibles. I smiles but at the same time was emotional.
She is still the same sweet person. I was working one day in the Garage and didn't hear that a group of Catholics had stopped by.
My dog cam and alerted me ( I thought he wanted a cookie) and as I walk to the living room I can see my wife, praying with them. Standing in our front yard.
They asked if they could bless our home at the time.

GOD IS AMAZING............................................. YES I AM YELLING IT. ANYONE HEAR ME? AMEN.

Why, oh why pick a life without Christ. Is it easy. Well not exactly.
But is it worth feeling the Holy Spirit and feel it in your gut when people speak the words.

Blessed be his name. Christ is Lord. Thank You for saving me.

Hello Rooted;

Didn't you share about this in another thread? You and I both have a variation of Bible translations. I have a question. Do you keep some in your library to reference when you are writing, reading and teaching?

I officiated a funeral last Saturday. The family attendance had a large turnout and were seasoned believers. When there was a time for sharing, testimonies weren't just about remembering the loved one deceased but offering encouragement of salvation. I was led to use the KJV prior.

When I preach at certain Churches, the personality of each Church is different so I'll reference the ESV or NIV.

God bless you, brother.
Hello Rooted;

Didn't you share about this in another thread? You and I both have a variation of Bible translations. I have a question. Do you keep some in your library to reference when you are writing, reading and teaching?

I officiated a funeral last Saturday. The family attendance had a large turnout and were seasoned believers. When there was a time for sharing, testimonies weren't just about remembering the loved one deceased but offering encouragement of salvation. I was led to use the KJV prior.

When I preach at certain Churches, the personality of each Church is different so I'll reference the ESV or NIV.

God bless you, brother.

Good afternoon Brother Bob.
I was raised on KJV, its very poetic. Probably why I enjoy Mid-evil stories and adventures.

I do but since unboxing a few dozen more older Bibles yesterday I may have to adjust the references.
But I do want to finish my program I mentioned in the Tech area so I can add other versions.
I am still working on the Podcast situation and praying, but is why a better reference systems is needed.

You know what brother Bob, I find hard if officiating a funeral. Is the joy for those that are saved.
I realize its a very bad time for the Family's. I mean I am not rejoicing in their loss.
But there is often a real peace when you know they are saved. I do pray they will embrace this soon is the feeling.

My mom is 85 with Dementia and ALZ. I am debating which Bible to use. I think using her Grandmothers.
Would be fitting. She is sadly progressing very fast. Its one Funeral I really I wish I could avoid. But I know
God will keep me strong. He always does. God Is Great :)

Bless you as well Bob, for the service and peace you bring these families.