Lost in Translation.

Over the years. I have heard the many arguments that suggest that the
Bible has been rewritten and copied so many times. So how do we know its accurate?

About a 160 years ago there was a civil was in the US. And there was a President that was assassinated.
I have read many books on the civil war. I find it fascinating on the history and culture of the time.
Since then I have read many variations on what the was was about. And what actually happened.

So could I not just look at the Bible with the same questions? So many people talk about it and documented the Civil War
But some have varied ideas? So why trust the Bibles Translation ?

The Bible's accuracy is supported by the remarkable preservation of its manuscripts, the meticulous transmission processes, archaeological discoveries, and historical confirmation. While there are challenges in translating and interpreting ancient texts, the Bible’s internal consistency and the wealth of evidence behind its transmission give us confidence in its reliability. Moreover the amount of information is overwhelmingly supported by other non-religious texts that have nothing to do with the Bible yet support its facts.

Unique Claims of Divine Inspiration:

The Bible’s Claim of Inspiration: The Bible claims to be divinely inspired (2 Timothy 3:16-17), meaning that although it was written by human authors, God guided the process. This claim sets it apart from other historical texts. The consistency in the message across centuries and diverse cultures is often seen by believers as evidence of divine influence in its writing and preservation.
Transformative Power: Many believers point to the Bible’s unique power to transform lives as evidence of its divine origin and accuracy. Millions of people throughout history have claimed that the Bible has profoundly impacted their lives in ways that transcend mere historical accuracy, further supporting their belief in its truth.

It is important to look at the largest piece of evidence.
Us. People by the millions, upon millions have come to Christ, by invitation not force. This alone separates it from other radical beliefs that exist by control and lack of Free Will. God does not say, ask for Forgiveness or Die. Its optional. Yet there is no way you and I can truly know until we die.
We may know God exists. But that fact will not be revealed until our soul is released.

So the biggest test of Translation being accurate. Is people are documented as coming to Christ for over 2000 years and for the exact same reasons.
That amounts to someone voting in the same person to office for 2000 years every four years Trusting they will do the job they promised.
That is beyond faith, that is by design. How do we know. Because the evidence shows us very clear the promise is real. And has been shared to million
who accepted Christ as their savior. Just like you and I have.
Any arguments concerning Bible accuracy can be settled by having the parties consult the copy of Isaiah found among the Dead Sea Scrolls written down in the 2nd century BC with what we have in our Bibles today. They're practically identical verbatim, yet they're 2200 years apart!
It is interesting how well seated the arguments against, is basically rooted in wild guesses. Which are based on how standard human rumors, are generationally inherited. It would be much easier as you mention if they would simply look at the actually proof.
There is more proof that Christ rose from the dead is our savior then we actually know about the Moon.
There is overwhelming proof the bible is accurate and every year ( though hidden by the media) there is unearthed more proof that
These things did happen and are true.

I was watching a documentary last night, where they show ice core samples from around the world when compared shows
a world wide flood as described exactly in the Bible at the time it would have occurred.
They were able to study the earth under the ice and show clear mass destruction that
would have destroyed all life at the time. Yet, this would be amazing news.
I am condensing the documentary for this post. but it was astounding the proof just keeps adding up.
Good morning, Paul;

Human authors are just that, human. They will never reach the point of perfection in their research, facts and theories before writing a text or informational book. They will come close to it but never at 100% accurate.

On the other hand, human authors of the Bible as you correctly wrote are
guided by God. Despite that, there were the early Church Fathers and today's biblical scholars who used historical criticism of these human authors appointed by God. It was after all the biblical writer's mission and ministry in the Old and New Testaments, and since it was anointed by God I truly believe Perfect is the stamp on all 66 books.

Creationism will always have it's theories but God will not allow the what-ifs, (examples) of global warming, green environment, scientific prophetic predictions thwart His perfect plan and Creation.

My "stand firm" faith in God has always been Him being right and He will reveal to me where I may be wrong.

God bless
you, Paul, and thank you for sharing Lost in Translation.
I used to be a catholic and had a douey-reims version. But I have no idea why they put in the extra books.

My brother(who was also a US Civil war student, said it was something to do with the clergy in that they wanted to please some royal.

Not sure how true it is, or which pope and royal he was talking about.

Anyway, I just figured if a bible works, its good enough.
About a 160 years ago there was a civil was in the US. And there was a President that was assassinated.
I have read many books on the civil war. I find it fascinating on the history and culture of the time.
Since then I have read many variations on what the was was about. And what actually happened.

So could I not just look at the Bible with the same questions? So many people talk about it and documented the Civil War
But some have varied ideas? So why trust the Bibles Translation ?

The Bible's accuracy is supported by the remarkable preservation of its manuscripts, the meticulous transmission processes, archaeological discoveries, and historical confirmation. While there are challenges in translating and interpreting ancient texts, the Bible’s internal consistency and the wealth of evidence behind its transmission give us confidence in its reliability. Moreover the amount of information is overwhelmingly supported by other non-religious texts that have nothing to do with the Bible yet support its facts.

Unique Claims of Divine Inspiration:

The Bible’s Claim of Inspiration: The Bible claims to be divinely inspired (2 Timothy 3:16-17), meaning that although it was written by human authors, God guided the process. This claim sets it apart from other historical texts. The consistency in the message across centuries and diverse cultures is often seen by believers as evidence of divine influence in its writing and preservation.
Transformative Power: Many believers point to the Bible’s unique power to transform lives as evidence of its divine origin and accuracy. Millions of people throughout history have claimed that the Bible has profoundly impacted their lives in ways that transcend mere historical accuracy, further supporting their belief in its truth.

It is important to look at the largest piece of evidence.
Us. People by the millions, upon millions have come to Christ, by invitation not force. This alone separates it from other radical beliefs that exist by control and lack of Free Will. God does not say, ask for Forgiveness or Die. Its optional. Yet there is no way you and I can truly know until we die.
We may know God exists. But that fact will not be revealed until our soul is released.

So the biggest test of Translation being accurate. Is people are documented as coming to Christ for over 2000 years and for the exact same reasons.
That amounts to someone voting in the same person to office for 2000 years every four years Trusting they will do the job they promised.
That is beyond faith, that is by design. How do we know. Because the evidence shows us very clear the promise is real. And has been shared to million
who accepted Christ as their savior. Just like you and I have.
This was a BRILLIANT piece of writing !!! YES.... YES and YES....... AMEN
I used to be a catholic and had a douey-reims version. But I have no idea why they put in the extra books.

My brother(who was also a US Civil war student, said it was something to do with the clergy in that they wanted to please some royal.

Not sure how true it is, or which pope and royal he was talking about.

Anyway, I just figured if a bible works, its good enough.
The extra books are present because the Catholic Bible was translated from the Greek version (the Septuagint), rather than the Hebrew version (the Masoretic text) of the Old Testament. The Septuagint contains those extra books.