Making the offense of The Cross of no effect
Galatians 5:11
Within the context of The Cross - we must understand that Jesus made no ERRORS and made no OFFENSES pertaining to GOD... Jesus made no ERRORS and committed NO Offenses pertaining to the Levitical Law... Jesus committed no SIN..
WE MUST ACCEPT, on the other hand that JESUS WAS IN FACT RIGHTFULLY PUNISHED FOR REVOLT AGAINST ROME!!! Jesus himself acknowledges this in his dialogue with Pilate given in John 19 - that Pilate had been granted AUTHORITY to charge and kill Jesus for the charge of Revolt against ROME - the punishment for which was CRUCIFIXION.... Which thing he WAS in fact doing! AND he WAS in fact GUILTY!
If you have any questions on whether Jesus was doing this - refer to Mark 11:13, Matt 21:24, Luke 20:8.. the High Priesthood questioning Jesus "Who gave you the authority?" ... Literally - they were saying "Rome gave us this authority - by WHOM do you take this authority from us?" Jesus answer was in effect "Rome has no authority to GRANT this to you! Thus YOU have no authority to DO this..."
We must understand and acknowledge that the SIN against GOD was that the Jewish Priesthood had ceded control OF the PRIESTHOOD to Rome. From the time of Herod the Great - The High Priest and the Levitial Priesthood held their Authority and Position BY Appointment AND Authorization OF THE ROMAN SENATE..
If you have any questions on whether Civil Authorities usurping the "Things of God" upon themselves is Sin against God - refer to 2nd Chronicles 26:16-21 with King Uzziah trying to burn incense upon God's altar.. Uzziah was challenging that God had appointed The Priesthood to administer the "Things of God" and himself to administer civil matters and matters of war....
This challenge that Civil Authorities have no "Right" to usurp the Things of God stands at the heart of "Take up your cross" - the challenge to stand AGAINST the Pagan Civil Authorities in their quest to usurp the Things of God to authorize and facilitate their own rule.
When WE attempt to make positions that there was NO "Offense of the Cross" against the PAGAN Civil Authorities - we muddy and confuse the ENTIRE message of Take UP Your Cross! We deny that standing FOR God may require a stand AGAINST the Civil Authorities when matters pertain to Usurping The Things of God... This is especially important as we LIVE in the "Times of the Gentiles" - A time where Pagan Rulers have been granted DOMINION..... We must expect these challenges - we must not try to hide from them...
There is no clarity towards "Take up your cross" outside of this context - the TRUE context of civil revolt against the Pagan Authorities for USURPING the Things of God, punishable by Crucifixion.... This context in which handing over control and administration of the Things of God to the Civil Authorities is clearly SIN against God...
We need to open our eyes to our actions... We need to open our eyes to how WE respond to our Government when it attempts to yank God out of our hands.... To open our eyes to WHAT role we expect our Government to take pertaining to God, The Scripture, and The Church.. There is a push going on WORLD WIDE... The Governments of The World have used Religion to control the population since the time of Nimrod... The USA and the First Amendment stands in stark contrast to this - drawing a LINE that states that Our Government has no right to Declare or Administer the Things of God.... This is being challenged - as we continually see efforts being made to "Bring the Church back in line"... Efforts by the Civil Authorities to define what and what is not the Message of Christ.... Politicians trying to Legislate what, when, how, and where Serving God means... Politicians trying to draw lines between what IS and is NOT serving God... Etc...
Galatians 5:11
Within the context of The Cross - we must understand that Jesus made no ERRORS and made no OFFENSES pertaining to GOD... Jesus made no ERRORS and committed NO Offenses pertaining to the Levitical Law... Jesus committed no SIN..
WE MUST ACCEPT, on the other hand that JESUS WAS IN FACT RIGHTFULLY PUNISHED FOR REVOLT AGAINST ROME!!! Jesus himself acknowledges this in his dialogue with Pilate given in John 19 - that Pilate had been granted AUTHORITY to charge and kill Jesus for the charge of Revolt against ROME - the punishment for which was CRUCIFIXION.... Which thing he WAS in fact doing! AND he WAS in fact GUILTY!
If you have any questions on whether Jesus was doing this - refer to Mark 11:13, Matt 21:24, Luke 20:8.. the High Priesthood questioning Jesus "Who gave you the authority?" ... Literally - they were saying "Rome gave us this authority - by WHOM do you take this authority from us?" Jesus answer was in effect "Rome has no authority to GRANT this to you! Thus YOU have no authority to DO this..."
We must understand and acknowledge that the SIN against GOD was that the Jewish Priesthood had ceded control OF the PRIESTHOOD to Rome. From the time of Herod the Great - The High Priest and the Levitial Priesthood held their Authority and Position BY Appointment AND Authorization OF THE ROMAN SENATE..
If you have any questions on whether Civil Authorities usurping the "Things of God" upon themselves is Sin against God - refer to 2nd Chronicles 26:16-21 with King Uzziah trying to burn incense upon God's altar.. Uzziah was challenging that God had appointed The Priesthood to administer the "Things of God" and himself to administer civil matters and matters of war....
This challenge that Civil Authorities have no "Right" to usurp the Things of God stands at the heart of "Take up your cross" - the challenge to stand AGAINST the Pagan Civil Authorities in their quest to usurp the Things of God to authorize and facilitate their own rule.
When WE attempt to make positions that there was NO "Offense of the Cross" against the PAGAN Civil Authorities - we muddy and confuse the ENTIRE message of Take UP Your Cross! We deny that standing FOR God may require a stand AGAINST the Civil Authorities when matters pertain to Usurping The Things of God... This is especially important as we LIVE in the "Times of the Gentiles" - A time where Pagan Rulers have been granted DOMINION..... We must expect these challenges - we must not try to hide from them...
There is no clarity towards "Take up your cross" outside of this context - the TRUE context of civil revolt against the Pagan Authorities for USURPING the Things of God, punishable by Crucifixion.... This context in which handing over control and administration of the Things of God to the Civil Authorities is clearly SIN against God...
We need to open our eyes to our actions... We need to open our eyes to how WE respond to our Government when it attempts to yank God out of our hands.... To open our eyes to WHAT role we expect our Government to take pertaining to God, The Scripture, and The Church.. There is a push going on WORLD WIDE... The Governments of The World have used Religion to control the population since the time of Nimrod... The USA and the First Amendment stands in stark contrast to this - drawing a LINE that states that Our Government has no right to Declare or Administer the Things of God.... This is being challenged - as we continually see efforts being made to "Bring the Church back in line"... Efforts by the Civil Authorities to define what and what is not the Message of Christ.... Politicians trying to Legislate what, when, how, and where Serving God means... Politicians trying to draw lines between what IS and is NOT serving God... Etc...