Man on the middle cross

The man on the middle cross

(Have I got the seasons mixed up?)

The man on the middle cross
He said
“Today you’ll be in paradise ”

Didn’t have to join a church
go to bible class
Wear a suit
Understand about justification of faith,

Even though He was dying
They were crucifying Him too
He took time out to care,
even though He was not guilty
He forgave my sin
Welcomed me in…
That day I was in paradise with Him!
Good morning, Alan;

As I read The man on the middle cross, please clarify and help me understand "didn't have to join a Church, go to Bible class, wear a suit, understand about justification of faith."

God bless you, brother, and Merry Christmas.

I don’t know if it’s my child like faith? I think sometimes the ‘church’ has institutionalised the gospel and in their enthusiasm to disciple new Christian’s lead them through so many hoops baptism classes membership classes etc…
They have lost sight of what Jesus said
Jesus said repent and be baptised said nothing about waiting til others think one has an understanding of baptism
Communion “do this til I come”
Not become a member first?
May be it’s me being a grumpy old man at a rebellious time of life but I’m thinking if Jesus said it
Don’t question it do it!
the condemned sinner on the cross was in paradise the same day he met with Jesus