mark 11;23

Hello forgiven61;

I started thinking.

The mountains I face, Jesus has been there and empowered me to move them, but the mountains I couldn't move, God stepped in and revealed His strength in my weaknesses.

Empowered me with faith, prayer, His Word, humbleness, humility, and acceptance of His sovereignty in all circumstances.

God bless you, brother and your family.
Hello forgiven61;

I started thinking.

The mountains I face, Jesus has been there and empowered me to move them, but the mountains I couldn't move, God stepped in and revealed His strength in my weaknesses.

Empowered me with faith, prayer, His Word, humbleness, humility, and acceptance of His sovereignty in all circumstances.

God bless you, brother and your family.
we all have mountains i think of paul ending where he says Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, pretty cool but also tough when we make it about us and chances are we do and will
Our trials and troubles are how we learn obedience or subjection to God.

Heb 5:8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

Just as Christ learned obedience in suffering even more so do we. Our mountains are allowed so that we can learn to trust and rely on God and act in faith and love.

Just as Christ learned obedience in suffering even more so do we. Our mountains are allowed so that we can learn to trust and rely on God and act in faith and love.


Hello Chuck;

Years ago I took my wife to Mendocino, CA for her birthday. It was a perfect birthday weekend. As we drove back on Sunday afternoon, the last thing that was on our minds was any problem that could possibly cross our path. We drove down a winding road and passed through a small town called Willits, CA. As we were driving through the car went silent. It's as if we were coasting and this felt weird. The transmission died and our car slowed down to a stop. We sat there in the car, it wouldn't start. We looked at each other in disbelief.

We looked to the right and noticed a church. So I got out and went to the front entrance and knocked. No one answered so I went back to the car. We looked at the church, then at each other. Then we came up with an idea. LETS PRAY!

After we prayed and gave thanks, we noticed across the street a convenience country store with a mail truck parked at the gas pump. I asked my wife to wait as I went across the street and approached the postal worker. He pointed me to an auto shop up the street but it might be closed because it was Sunday.

We walked a half a block and the auto shop was opened! I explained our car problem but they didn't have a transmission in stock and wouldn't be able to special order until the next day. They suggested we try the tow truck shop across the street. So we went across the street and as I approached the tow driver I told him our car was a block up the street but he was already on a call to another car that had broken down.

He decided to have us get into the truck, he drove up and hooked our car and brought it back to the shop. The shop could get us a refurbished transmission but it would take 3 weeks. So our next concern was obtaining a car to get home. We still had to drive south on 101, cross the Bay Bridge to San Francisco before we made it home to Daly City.

The tow truck shop pointed to a car rental next door. So we went next door and they had cars but our auto insurance only had liability, not comprehensive and collision. So, we thanked the rental and went back to the tow shop. I called our auto insurance and explained our problem and he asked me if I had a gold credit card? I told him, yes. He said my card should cover comprehensive and collision if we rent a car. So we went back to the rental and sure enough they verified my card and it had the required coverage so we could rent.

So we rented a car and because of our situation, the rental gave us a good rate. We left our car so the tow shop could order a refurbished transmission (we had an old Nissan Sentra.) Before we left Willits, we prayed and gave thanks to the Lord for what seemed like a heavy weight that was on our shoulders.

After we prayed we drove home and I noticed a large envelope in the back pocket of the passenger seat. In the envelope were birthday cards of a young man who celebrated his 18th birthday. So the next day at work I contacted the rental and explained to them what we found. They were kind to call the young man who lived back east with his parents. He gave the rental permission to give me his address so I special mailed the large envelope.

Our car was scheduled to remain in the shop for the next 3 weeks as we rented the car. A week later I received a letter in the mail. It was the 18 year old young man thanking my wife and me for mailing his envelope of birthday cards that were special memories of his friends. Less than 3 weeks later I got a call that our car was ready. So I drove the rental back to Willits, CA, thanked them and then went next door to redeem our repaired car.

As it turned out, our total cost for the rental was reduced again, discount courtesy of our credit card. The cost of the refurbished transmission for our car was also reduced, discount courtesy of our auto insurance who had compassion on our car breaking down.

As I was driving back the refurbished transmission felt like the car was new. Later that evening we reflected on our experience, and how God made a way for us to move this mountain but not only that, we chose our faith through every step we took that day, our motive was not fueled by frustration of our problem but our request with hope that would be for His Kingdom.

Our lesson was the mountains we face whether huge or not so huge, is, how do we as believers handle them when we least expect them?

God bless you all and your families.
mark is IMHO, a Very powerful but somehow underayed (so, to speak)
in the Gospels that should be taught more but hey that's just me, love the verse in -

Mark 9:23
New King James Version

23 Jesus said to him, (A)“If[a] you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes
mark is IMHO, a Very powerful but somehow underayed (so, to speak)
in the Gospels that should be taught more but hey that's just me, love the verse in -

Mark 9:23​

New King James Version​

23 Jesus said to him, (A)“If[a] you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes
yes and the reply was Lord i believe but help my unbelief this is the point i was making on speak to the mountain. sometimes we make our own mountains
mark is IMHO, a Very powerful but somehow underayed (so, to speak)
in the Gospels that should be taught more but hey that's just me, love the verse in -

Mark 9:23​

New King James Version​

23 Jesus said to him, (A)“If[a] you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes

yes and the reply was Lord i believe but help my unbelief this is the point i was making on speak to the mountain. sometimes we make our own mountains

Hey smiley and forgiven61;

It made me think. Back in 1980 my buddy at work who is a strong believer shared with me that whenever another comes to Christ should be encouraged to read the book of Mark when learning the Bible. That was his suggestion which is a good thing.

That same year he ended up giving his notice at work because he and his wife were going on a long term missionary overseas.

This was all new to me back then, sacrificing a full time job to serve as a full time missionary.

That always stayed with me and years later grasped a little more about serving God.

Its hard to let go of comfortable surroundings
(ironically could be the mountain) and the concept of taking a step of faith for the Kingdom.
