Mark 13:31

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.

Jesus spoke these words as He explained about His second coming to His disciples. They were listening to His prophetic words and trying to imagine the greatness of it all. Jesus was telling them about the end of the age and wanted them to understand that He had the authority to do so. He knew what was ahead and wanted them to know as well.
Jesus compared what He spoke to them to the very existence of heaven and earth. They were very aware of the reality of the earth they walked upon, and as well the heavens above them. These things seemed very sure to them. Yet Jesus said these things would pass away. At some point they would be gone. They would not exist forever.
But not so with His words. They were eternal. They had no end. They were more dependable than the very existence of heaven and earth. He wanted the disciples to trust that His words were not only true and dependable but also eternal. Jesus said that His words would not ever be eliminated.
He wants us today to also remember that His Word is eternal. It will not pass away nor lose it's authority.