Messianic Jews in Israel

A minister made a video from Israel that speaks exactly what I have been hearing from my Messianic Jewish brothers for some years now.

The minister in this video spoke of two types of Jews, although there are more, but for the sake of this thread, I'll go along with the scope of his overview, in that the two types mentioned are the traditional, Israeli Jews (not orthodox) who are secular in their thinking, and therefore very proud of their achievements. The other crowd of mention are the Messianic Jews. The problem with the latter is that they rely on an understanding not governed by the Gospel as presented by Paul to the Jews and the Gentiles, which is the sufficiency of the Blood of Christ, and therefore no need for additional animal sacrifices for atonement.

Many of the Messianic Jews around the world are still of that mindset, and so therefore will (or would) participate in the sacrifice of those red heifers, even if its somewhere other than on what they think is the temple mount within Jerusalem, as if that will avail them anything in the eyes of the Most High.

Provided for reference:
