ministry report from our local college

this is from a young man named Jacob he is in training to do ministry work at the colleges .. he is in training like a missionary he gets paid no money.. he uses funds donated to him .. he feeds them dinner has small sessions with them one report a young man was ateistis ..Got saved told jacob i am no longer a atheist .

please read his message he sent me ..
Had a discipleship one on one with a lost student this morning and he shared with me how his relationship with his parents is being transformed. He said he was able to confess some things to them and that he was brought to tears, not from disappointing them but from the strong conviction he's been feeling for his sin In his life.
The best part about it is that we haven't broke out any special programs yet, we've just been opening Bibles and reading Scripture and explaining the Gospel over and over in every meet. That assures me that it's the Spirit convicting and transforming the student, not fickle emotions from a theatrical service. It's also a great reminder that the Bible is totally sufficient for evangelism and discipleship! Be praying for this student, his name is Christian!

harvest is truly great did you note he said No programs just the word. no body will ever have a born again experience out side the word of God

can some one say PTL missionary work in our local college after he has finished his training . he can either be assigned there or move on to another college .. this is exactly what is needed
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Hello forgiven;

This is a great ministry report. God bless Jacob and his testimony.

I was getting ready to call it a night and read this at 1023pm.

God bless you, forgiven, and thank you for sharing.