I wanted to share what the Lord did for me. We're moving back to the States late summer and I wanted to spend some time in Madrid with family before jumping the big pond. Well the company is paying for my move but they're strict about things and I was not going from here to there directly. So it turns out that I can go for only a difference of 55 Euros! So we got a place for two weeks through trip adviser (our first attempt) and booked a place for 2 weeks right off of Puerto del Sol in the heart of Madrid. We did this months ago. The day before yesterday I get an email; the owner canceled our reservation! I said, "Ok Lord. Everythings in place, but now what do I do?" He gave me peace and said, "I'll get you something better." So I came home last night about to jump into my routine and I felt I absolutely had to find another place. I did a search and found someplace else, but didn't quite catch my eye. Then on the next page was a new entry. I checked it out and saw it was very nice... bigger than the other place, and *WAM!* it was 2 metro stops from my in-laws!!! And it was $800 cheaper!
God is so awesome! God loves to bless us! God is great!! Thank you Father for Your blessings!!!

God is so awesome! God loves to bless us! God is great!! Thank you Father for Your blessings!!!