Morgan Freeman...Sensible One

I've always admired SOME of Morgan Freeman's thoughts about things, and this is one with which I wish the leadership where I work would understand.

I've always admired SOME of Morgan Freeman's thoughts about things, and this is one with which I wish the leadership where I work would understand.

Outstanding....down to earth, common sense comments.

What a blessing it would be to have a President and members on congress think that way!

What would stop racism????????? Being born again!!!!!!

30 years ago I did a sermon and said that when you get to heaven, you will be living with black people, red people, green, people and yellow people. I said.......if you hate people of color here on the earth...........maybe God will not allow you to live in heaven with Him and them.

TWO elderly couples met me at the back door and told me that I was never going to see them again as they disagreed completely with what I said. I told them.........."You are right".