“…the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers” (Rev. 17:14).
I know the Lord gave me the words and music for this song, so I first of all wanted to look at the phrase, “will be called,” in the Bible to see what it rendered. I learned that “will be called” meant that this is what “you will be.” The prerequisite for being a witness for Jesus Christ is first of all to be filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit of God, then we will be his witnesses, i.e. that is what we will be called, not in name only, but in practice and in character.
In Isaiah 58:12, God called his people: "Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings."
We, as God’s people, are a city, i.e. we are the City of God, a City on a Hill (Mtt 5:14), the New Jerusalem, so the walls that need repaired are the spiritual fortifications, borders, hedge of protection, boundaries, etc., provided to us by God, when we are in a true and right relationship with him.
These spiritual “walls” get broken down and get holes in them when we give way to sin in our lives and we allow the world and its influences into our hearts and lives to live and to reign, rather than allowing the Holy Spirit of God to rule over our lives. So, we, as God’s Holy City, need to repair and to restore spiritually the broken lives of those within those walls, i.e. those lives of true believers in Jesus Christ, back to a right relationship with God. I believe this is what it means to be a witness in Jerusalem. For our witness to be unto God, I believe, means we do this repairing and restoring as a service to others as unto Jesus Christ (See Matt 25:31-46).
My Witnesses / An Original Work / April 26, 2011
You shall be called My witnesses
Unto Me in Jerusalem.
Harken to Me, won’t you believe
Jesus is calling you home?
Trust in Your Lord and God to save
Everyone who trusts His name.
Let everyone who says he’s saved
Honor and magnify My name.
Won’t you believe in Me today?
I have provided the Way.
I lay My life down for your soul.
Won’t you trust Me to make you whole?
Oh, how I love and care for you.
Would you abide with Me in truth?
Listen to Me, now hear My plea,
Won’t you trust Me with your all?
I gave My life, so you go free.
Won’t you bow down on bended knee?