My yolk is easy and my burden is light

Hello my fellow lovers of Jesus, now I have another question if you don't mind.

Today, I came across the expression: "My yolk is easy and the burden is light", spoken by Jesus. I am having a hard time understanding it. Does it mean that being a Christian is easy? Because I don't think it's always easy. And I am reminded of another expression, "narrow is the gate, straight is the way", which to me seems to be saying that it is not easy to get to heaven. So I think these two expressions are a little contradictory. Anyway can someone help me understand the yolk being easy part? Thanks.
Contextually we see that Jesus denounced the scribes and Pharisees, saying: “They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger.” (Mt 23:2, 4) Jesus was evidently referring to minute rules and burdensome traditions that these men laid upon the common people, being unwilling to lift even one small regulation to make things easier for them.—Mt 23:13, 23, 24.

On the other hand, Jesus freed persons spiritually from such oppressive traditions. He invited those who were toiling and loaded down to come to him, to take his yoke upon them, and to become his disciples, for he was mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and they would thus find refreshment for their souls. He said: “My yoke is kindly and my load is light.” (Mt 11:28-30) Christ was not harsh or oppressive but kind, and those coming to him would receive proper treatment. Christ’s yoke, by comparison with that placed upon the people by religious traditionists, would be a comparatively light one.
Jesus likened finding true worship to finding the right road and choosing to walk on it. It is the only road that leads to everlasting life. Jesus said: “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:13, 14) It does matter which religion you choose. If you find that road and choose to walk on it, you will have found the best way of life, for it is the way of love.—Ephesians 4:1-4.
Contextually we see that Jesus denounced the scribes and Pharisees, saying: “They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger.” (Mt 23:2, 4) Jesus was evidently referring to minute rules and burdensome traditions that these men laid upon the common people, being unwilling to lift even one small regulation to make things easier for them.—Mt 23:13, 23, 24.

On the other hand, Jesus freed persons spiritually from such oppressive traditions. He invited those who were toiling and loaded down to come to him, to take his yoke upon them, and to become his disciples, for he was mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and they would thus find refreshment for their souls. He said: “My yoke is kindly and my load is light.” (Mt 11:28-30) Christ was not harsh or oppressive but kind, and those coming to him would receive proper treatment. Christ’s yoke, by comparison with that placed upon the people by religious traditionists, would be a comparatively light one.
Jesus likened finding true worship to finding the right road and choosing to walk on it. It is the only road that leads to everlasting life. Jesus said: “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:13, 14) It does matter which religion you choose. If you find that road and choose to walk on it, you will have found the best way of life, for it is the way of love.—Ephesians 4:1-4.

Good morning, BibleStudent100;

Welcome back! Thank you for sharing excellent posts to "My yolk is easy and the burden is light"

God bless you, BibleStudent100, and your entire family.
My pastor used an illustration in one of his sermons that I think would be appropriate here. Towards the end of WWII, there was a POW camp wherein the British soldiers were kept separate from the American prisoners. Life was very hard in that camp and all of the prisoners merely endured the days as they slowly passed. But, the Americans had assembled a rudimentary radio with which they were able to hear broadcasts from the BBC. One day they heard as the BBC announcer stated the Germans had officially surrendered. The American prisoners were elated and one of them was able to get the message over to the British prisoners which caused their spirits to soar as well. Even though it would be several days before the Germans running the camp got the news, those days were completely different for the prisoners because they knew the end of the misery was coming very soon.

Jesus' burden is light and his yoke is easy because our perspective is one of joy because we know how this life ends - God WINS! We still have to suffer the tribulations that this life on earth presents, but knowing how wonderful everything will turn out for those of us who have surrendered our will to Him and placed our faith in Him makes it all so much better.

I'm not a pastor and I'm not an accomplished writer, but that's my take on it. As I was growing up, we often sang the hymn that includes the line, "His yoke is easy, His burden is light." I loved that hymn!
My pastor used an illustration in one of his sermons that I think would be appropriate here. Towards the end of WWII, there was a POW camp wherein the British soldiers were kept separate from the American prisoners. Life was very hard in that camp and all of the prisoners merely endured the days as they slowly passed. But, the Americans had assembled a rudimentary radio with which they were able to hear broadcasts from the BBC. One day they heard as the BBC announcer stated the Germans had officially surrendered. The American prisoners were elated and one of them was able to get the message over to the British prisoners which caused their spirits to soar as well. Even though it would be several days before the Germans running the camp got the news, those days were completely different for the prisoners because they knew the end of the misery was coming very soon. Jesus' burden is light and his yoke is easy because our perspective is one of joy because we know how this life ends - God WINS! We still have to suffer the tribulations that this life on earth presents, but knowing how wonderful everything will turn out for those of us who have surrendered our will to Him and placed our faith in Him makes it all so much better. I'm not a pastor and I'm not an accomplished writer, but that's my take on it. As I was growing up, we often sang the hymn that includes the line, "His yoke is easy, His burden is light." I loved that hymn!

Good morning, synthplayer;

Your post was excellent and I enjoyed reading. I've had those prayer moments when it seemed a couple of situations slowly passed in 2024.

I felt the same joy when God revealed His Will for my circumstances, not as intense as the POW Brits and Yanks but my spirit soared.

I hope you and your family are blessed at your new Church.

God bless you, synthplayer.
My pastor used an illustration in one of his sermons that I think would be appropriate here. Towards the end of WWII, there was a POW camp wherein the British soldiers were kept separate from the American prisoners. Life was very hard in that camp and all of the prisoners merely endured the days as they slowly passed. But, the Americans had assembled a rudimentary radio with which they were able to hear broadcasts from the BBC. One day they heard as the BBC announcer stated the Germans had officially surrendered. The American prisoners were elated and one of them was able to get the message over to the British prisoners which caused their spirits to soar as well. Even though it would be several days before the Germans running the camp got the news, those days were completely different for the prisoners because they knew the end of the misery was coming very soon.

Jesus' burden is light and his yoke is easy because our perspective is one of joy because we know how this life ends - God WINS! We still have to suffer the tribulations that this life on earth presents, but knowing how wonderful everything will turn out for those of us who have surrendered our will to Him and placed our faith in Him makes it all so much better.

I'm not a pastor and I'm not an accomplished writer, but that's my take on it. As I was growing up, we often sang the hymn that includes the line, "His yoke is easy, His burden is light." I loved that hymn!
Thank you, that is and amazing explanation. Thank You for this.
Hello my fellow lovers of Jesus, now I have another question if you don't mind.

Today, I came across the expression: "My yolk is easy and the burden is light", spoken by Jesus. I am having a hard time understanding it. Does it mean that being a Christian is easy? Because I don't think it's always easy. And I am reminded of another expression, "narrow is the gate, straight is the way", which to me seems to be saying that it is not easy to get to heaven. So I think these two expressions are a little contradictory. Anyway can someone help me understand the yolk being easy part? Thanks.
Hi Wan,

Those saying of Christ were spoken to the people of Israel who were under the Law. They would understand those sayings as trying to obey the Law was very hard and actually impossible for fallen man. Jesus, however, told the people that if they looked to Him, then like oxen joined together He would do the pulling and they would learn of Him the right way.

As to the `narrow gate,` that refers to being humble. In the gate to the city at night, there was a small narrow gate that only let in those who bent down.
As to the `narrow gate,` that refers to being humble. In the gate to the city at night, there was a small narrow gate that only let in those who bent down.
Hi Marily,

Thank you for explaining. I was really puzzled by why the gate should be narrow. It felt like it was really restrictive to me, like getting into heaven would be hard, when we were taught that everybody had a chance to be saved. Now I know it means one has to be humble in order to get into the Kingdom of God.

Thank you sister.
Hi Marily,

Thank you for explaining. I was really puzzled by why the gate should be narrow. It felt like it was really restrictive to me, like getting into heaven would be hard, when we were taught that everybody had a chance to be saved. Now I know it means one has to be humble in order to get into the Kingdom of God.

Thank you sister.
Glad to help. Good that you posted this topic. God always unfolds more of His precious word to us as we are humble too.