Names of God and meanings: "Elohim" ( more to come)

When we call God "God" what are we saying, really? In all actuality, "God" is a title, not a name. Yet we call the Creator of the Universe "God" and "God" is translated "God" in the Bible in all places. But, if we go to the original Hebrew, there are other names.

Hebraic Tradition tells us that there are 70 names of God. In the Hebrew song "Ana Bekoach" 70 names for God are sung. But let's concentrate on the most popular and the most common.

In the first verse of Genesis, the name "Elohim" is mentioned. "B'resheet Bara ELOHIM" (In the beginning, Elohim, created...) The base name in "Elohim" is "El" If we look at the Paleo-Hebrew spelling of this name, using the oldest known Hebrew characters, we can get the symbolism "The all-powerful and strong God who instructs" or "The God of great strength and power who gives instruction"

Then we have the combination of "El" with other letters which give us more meanings "EL-ohei" (my God) "EL-oheiha) "your God" "EL-oheinu" "Our God"

Then we have the most common "Elohim" The "im" ending is "plural" which indicates the "Plurality of Elohim" He is ONE yet THREE. Could we say "Tri-unity?" The Father (Av) the Son (Ben) and the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh)

Yet we also have the meaning of "gods" as in "false gods, pagan gods" using the same "Elohim" but of course it depends on the context. We have the name;
"B'nei Elohim" which means "sons of God" this can mean "angels" and also "all believers" who have trusted in Yeshua/Jesus as LORD and Savior.

We are the adopted "sons (and daughters) of God" through the blood of Messiah Yeshua, we have been made "part of HIS family"

OK, tomorrow, more on this subject. The 2nd lesson in the series "FROM DRY BONES TO FILLED LUNGS" which I am uploading to YouTube, deals with the subject "One Plural God, Echad", so, if you go to YouTube and type in 'FROM DRY BONES TO FILLED LUNGS; Lesson 2" you can hear and watch this lesson.

Shalom, good night, it's almost 1 am.
Be sure to watch my YouTube videos, I am uploading all 16 lessons, and so far, I have recorded 4. Can't do it with the sound of rain on the roof, here, it rains every day in the afternoons.