Names of God and meanings: YHVH

We read in Exodus when Moses was tending Jethro's sheep out in the wilderness of Midian (Now Saudi Arabia). He saw the "Burning Bush" and the voice of God coming from it. "Moshe, return to Egypt, take my people out of there, and bring them here to me" Was more or less the message.

Now we remember that Moses didn't want the job, I mean, he was a fugitive from the law, yet this happened like 40 years ago. Now he was 80. Yet, God did not let him slide. "You're going and that's that"

"But hey, what's your name? Who do I say is sending me?

"I AM that I AM" tell them "I AM' is sending you.

Now what kind of answer is that I ask you? It's like, if you were to ask me; "What's your name?" and I were to say to you; "Who me? Well, I am the same person today as I was yesterday and I will be the same person tomorrow"

That's the answer God gave to Moses. Not a "My name is Joe, or Frank, or.." A name describes a person. The name "Yeshua" means "Salvation" and that is how our Redeemer is called in Hebrew, "Salvation is from YAH" YEshuAH

What did God say in Hebrew?, No, it wasn't really I AM. That's how it is translated into English, so it doesn't tell us much.

"EHYEH ASHER EHYEH" Those were the Hebrew words that were spoken by God. But now we must decipher those words, two are the same, so what does EHYEH mean? The Hebrew letters are "Alef, Hey, Yod, Hey" The "Alef" is a silent consonant, then we have "Hey, Yod, Hey" (Hayah) the word "Hayah" would be "exist" the word "Havayah" would be the "essence of existence"

So what is God saying to Moses? He is saying I (Hayah) exist in the past, I (Hoveh) exist now, I (Yiyah) exist in the future. I other words, I am YHVH, the God who existed before, now, and in the future, forever. The letters Y H V H are the same letters in Hayah, Hoveh, and Yiyah (vowels are not written in Hebrew, only consonants) . So, "Havayah" would be H +V+Y+H and rearranged Y H V H

This is the most holy name of God, in Hebraic tradition, it is not pronounced, and no one knows the original pronunciation. It is believed that the High Priests pronounced this name, only once a year during Yom Kippur, but the exact pronunciation was lost in time.

However, the closest that people come to "pronouncing" these letters is "Jehovah" How do we see this?

The "Y" was changed to "J" in Rome, then, vowels were inserted to make it easy to pronounce, so we go from YeHoVaH to JeHoVaH.

Wherever you see " LORD" in the Bible, it is or it was originally YHVH. When we see the Tetragrammaton, (YHVH) we say "Adonai" or "HaShem" (The Name) out of respect.

In scripture it says we will "know the name of the LORD" or "Call upon the Name of the LORD" It is not talking about the exact pronunciation, rather the Character of God, who he IS, like when his glory passed before Moses, (Exodus 34:6-7) When we CALL upon the NAME of the LORD, we call upon YESHUA who is God in the Flesh, or YHVH in the Flesh. YHVH (Adonai) gives us Salvation (Yeshuah) when we call upon Yeshua (play on words?) to save us.

I believe that one day when we are with HIM, we will KNOW His Name, exactly how it is.

REF: EXODUS; Chapters 3-4, Both names; Elohim and YHVH are used here.