Love manifested by use of the mind is a far cry from love manifested by the nature-spirit in the born-again believer. Christ in you nature-spirit love is described in, first Corinthians chapter 13.
Jesus never attempted to live for God as do most want to get believers. Had Jesus attempted to live for God it would have been a life under law in bondage and not his own life He lived.
He learned to live His life on earth by His God (Fathers) given nature as it please Him, John 8:29 this was the Sons own pleasure to please His Father. How was it possible for Jesus to do always what pleased his father?
This was possible only if Jesus did these things by his nature he received from his father. He did by nature these things and living his life by his nature is what pleases his father. This was what his father wanted for himself and for his son.
Total freedom is this nature indeed.
The father wanted his son to live by his own inborn nature which nature is the same as the father's nature. This is because the father knew what was in his nature that was now in his son and the father totally trusted the nature in his son.
This is where believers fall short because most believers only partially trust the inborn Christ in you nature in them. Most believers trust the Christ in you nature in them to get them to heaven or to escape Hell but rarely beyond that.
The Christ in you nature in Bill provides them a means to get to heaven rather then a means to go to the father.
When God put his son in the world it was a world in desperate need of having a true father. Did the father have to tell his son that? Absolutely not. He was depending on his nature and his son to provide the lost and dying world with what they needed. What did the sun realize that the world needed? The Son realized the world needed for his father to be their father. This was the greatest need the world had but they were totally ignorant of that fact. He realized that the world needed the same nature that the father birthed in him to be their very own nature.
Jesus never attempted to live for God as do most want to get believers. Had Jesus attempted to live for God it would have been a life under law in bondage and not his own life He lived.
He learned to live His life on earth by His God (Fathers) given nature as it please Him, John 8:29 this was the Sons own pleasure to please His Father. How was it possible for Jesus to do always what pleased his father?
This was possible only if Jesus did these things by his nature he received from his father. He did by nature these things and living his life by his nature is what pleases his father. This was what his father wanted for himself and for his son.
Total freedom is this nature indeed.
The father wanted his son to live by his own inborn nature which nature is the same as the father's nature. This is because the father knew what was in his nature that was now in his son and the father totally trusted the nature in his son.
This is where believers fall short because most believers only partially trust the inborn Christ in you nature in them. Most believers trust the Christ in you nature in them to get them to heaven or to escape Hell but rarely beyond that.
The Christ in you nature in Bill provides them a means to get to heaven rather then a means to go to the father.
When God put his son in the world it was a world in desperate need of having a true father. Did the father have to tell his son that? Absolutely not. He was depending on his nature and his son to provide the lost and dying world with what they needed. What did the sun realize that the world needed? The Son realized the world needed for his father to be their father. This was the greatest need the world had but they were totally ignorant of that fact. He realized that the world needed the same nature that the father birthed in him to be their very own nature.