No Absolute

I have a brother who has experiences in astral travel. We talk most every day on the phone. My primary concern is communicating the gospel but it seems to be to no avail. One would think that having experiences of that sort would cause an interest in the hereafter.
Makes me think of scripture that says 'every man did that which was right in his own eyes.' Judges 21:25.
A person can be caught up in the intellect or what ever gift they might have. The problem with gifts is we take ownership of them and use the experience to define in our mind 'who we think we are' also know as an EGO.
Isn't that exactly what Lucifer did? Tried to 'best' the Giver with his gifts.
And this being Satan's Eden it is going on right now in the world political realm.
Goes to show that we can not come unless we are called.
Hello 2404;

I've heard of astral travel even amongst Christians. Astral travels can give the image of a man or woman sitting, meditating and appearing solemn. But to date none of these people from past to now ever revealed to me any realty outcome of this practice.

I personal learned from God's Word the transfer of blessings and have witnessed God blessing me with a talent and gift that I in turn passed on to another.

God blessed me by serving as a Pastor at my former Church family. I felt a strong calling to step down and pass the blessing to a younger minister. Had I ignored that I most likely would have remained where I was and continued enjoying "my personal" blessings. The new Pastor and his wife might have remained in Canada. I would have killed the spirit for him to lead God's people. My wife and I would also miss the new plans God has given us. This was a little over two years ago.

As it turned out the new Pastor and his wife went through a smooth immigration process from Canada, they found a place to live immediately and he is doing a wonderful job while taking the Church in a new exciting direction.

God bless you, brother.
Hello Bob
Astral travel is nothing new. It is said that about 2% of people have experienced it or practice it. An incidental form is from NDE (experiences) in which people are revived and they tell of out of body experiences. Personally (should the Lord tarry) I will experience it soon enough so I'm not chomping on the bit to get there.
In regard to gifts. I believe the Lord would pour them out upon us if it wouldn't work against His purpose.
God bless you in your pastoral calling. The use of your gifts shows what lays inside.
Thought: can a person be 'born again' if there lays nothing in that person to be 'activated'?
You can pour all the water you want on the ground but if there is no seed there to respond nothing will happen.
You might say that God places that in there, and that is true. But when does He do it? At the moment that you show that you will recieve it? OK, then why do you then recieve it?
Scripture uses the word 'redeemed'.
Now there is a provision, and that is called the foolish virgins. But that is another topic.
Hello Bob
Thought: can a person be 'born again' if there lays nothing in that person to be 'activated'? You can pour all the water you want on the ground but if there is no seed there to respond nothing will happen.

Hello 2404;

That is a very good point that should not be overlooked for those born again. I shared in another thread here that many who are born again, saved, or receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, these new brothers and sisters ask the question, what's next?

This is where no activation and no seed there fall short into play. God sends those to help "disciple" the new born and equip by activating or watering the seeds going forth.

Kind of like a Moses to Joshua, Naomi to Ruth, Paul to Timothy, etc...

How can we connect the foolish virgins in this topic, or do we discuss as another topic?

God bless you, brother.

Hello my friend
We've talked in the past and found ourself at odds but of course the intellect does not govern salvation but is a mere reflection through a gift allotted to us. To state my understanding, which is limited, God being eternal never experiences anything new, therefore those who are saved (wise virgins) always were saved. They were in God, part of God or they wouldn't be saved in the first place. The foolish virgins (for the lack of a better term - and please understand me correctly) may be considered a fringe benefit. Granted salvation through the judgement for cause only God knows.
Going back to the former thought.
God is eternal therefore nothing can ever be added or taken away from Him. Therefore what is the deal - scripture states it as redemption - 'to buy back'.
The fall did not take God by surprise, nothing does, everything has a purpose in His great plan.
Well I trust we can still call each other brother lol.