No More Dying to Do

No More Dying to Do
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
– Hebrews 2:9

Death. It’s not a popular topic—even among believers. In fact, a great many are just plain scared of it. Oh yes, they talk about having eternal life. Yet when the devil tries to threaten their earthly survival with sickness or calamity, they panic.

Why? Because they haven’t learned to look at death through God’s eyes. Even though their spirit has been made immortal, they haven’t renewed their minds to include that truth. If they had, when the devil tried to push their panic button, they’d just laugh and say, “You can’t scare me, Devil. I’ve done all the dying I’m ever going to do!”

That’s true, you know. The Word of God says that you, as a born-again believer, are never going to see death (John 8:51). Jesus has been your substitute. He suffered death so you wouldn’t have to. And He was raised from death, Hebrews 2:14-15 says, “Destroy[ing] him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver[ing] them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.”

If you’ve made Jesus the Lord of your life, the only death you’ll ever experience is behind you now. It occurred the instant you received Christ. At that moment, your old self—the one whose nature was to sin and rebel against God—died. Your body didn’t die, but your spirit man—the real you—died to Satan and all of his works. You became “a new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17), immortal and absolutely incapable of death!

When you’re finished with your work on the earth, you’re not going to die. You’ll simply shed your earthly shell and relocate to a far more glorious place.

Go to the Word and get God’s perspective on death. Make a study of it. Once the reality of your immortality begins to dawn on you, the devil will never be able to threaten you with it again.

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2:9-15
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved
Yes, I noticed even in my bible study some of the ladies just did not want to talk about it! And many are elderly ladies.

Is it ok to study/discuss it here? That would be really good because, it is something everyone is going to face, and we all have loved ones that don't know Christ and we don't want them to perish. When people talk about 'the end times' sometimes its hard to know what they mean, the end of their own time on earth, or the end of the entire planet, or just a specific time that is the end. Many people don't even understand what the resurrection means, and kind of gloss over it. But it's so important to understand that people witnessed Jesus being bodily resurrected he was not just a spirit or a ghost. And this is why we have hope because if it was just our spirits resurrected than we would all be disembodied in heaven, and the body of Christ would have no meaning.

Another thing that would be good to get a handle on is body soul and spirit. The Bible teaches that we are three part beings, although I notice many people think in terms of just body and spirit and forget about the soul.
Yes.. as long as everyone stays peaceful and does not bring up any of the topics that cannot be discussed
Ok, well have been thinking on this topic of not dying, of having eternal life, and corinthians has a chapter on what it will be like, what it means. The corinthians were asking Paul and he wrote a whole chapter explaining it. See 1 corinthians 15
He wrote an interesting thing that, our bodies wont be corrupted, they will be changed. He used a metaphor of seeds being sown and talked about what will perish and what will be imperishable. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

Now we know our flesh and blood bodies are easily corrupted by sickness and disease, and that it will live and then die and go back to the ground where it came from, as God did make us out of the dust of the earth. . BUt God promises us that our very bodies he will heal us and we will be perserved incorruptible in the resurrection. When I garden I think of a seed, that a plant goes to seed, the leaves and flowers fade away, but the seed gets buried in the ground to make grow anew of its own kind. Or maybe trees. A tree, all its leaves can fall off. It can even be cut down to a stump. But if the root has water, and its core is preserved it can grow again. This goes down to the cellular level. GOd knows we have DNA in each of our cells that contain His blueprints for life.
Imagine living forever. You will not die. You wont be corrupted, and will not have to suffer anymore. When Jesus was resurrected, he stayed on earth for 40 days before he got taken up to Heaven to live there forever and intercede for us here on earth. Satan could not touch him anymore and he couldnt destroy Jesus, even after killing him. In heaven there is nothing corrupt, everything is holy. Everyone is healed and whole. JEsus wants to bring heaven to earth, thats His plan, to redeem it from satans corruption and the sting of death.

Eternal life is a gift that Jesus has bestowed on us. It was part of Gods plan from the beginning in the garden where adam and .eve could have eaten from the tree of life and lived forever in Eden and never known sickeness, death and suffering, pain and sorrow. But, sadly they chose the other tree that was forbidden and had to deal with the consequence which was death. Jesus came to redeem us back.

Another thing I thought of is those that dont know Christ, have various beliefs on what happens after death. In chinese tradition, your spirit gets reincarnated or rewarded according to what youve done, and there is a kind of heaven. But buddha and all those spiritual gurus was never raised bodily from the dead. Thise whove had to deal with ghosts and unclean spirits know that these spirits are wandering round without a body, they are disembodied spirits that have no home. This is why they try to get into other peoples bodies. This is how you get haunted homes and haunted people doing things that they dont want to do by someone whos died perhaps a violent death and is without the body. This is why Jesus sent unclean spirits who were hanging round a man that lived amongst the tombs into some pigs.

Anyway just some thoughts and experiences I want to share if anyone wants to discuss this feel free.
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