None good but the Father

We can not make ourself good, turn over a new leaf, that is only an intellectual decision. Being good is not a decision or deed it is a position.
We see that in the O.T. how God hates tradition, an intellectual foundation. A worshiper brings his sacrifice because that is how you do it, no genuine sincerity or sorrow, 'here it is Lord take it or leave it'. We must be led by the Spirit and act accordingly then it is not our goodness but God working through us, His righteousness.
There is no good thing that dwelleth in 'man alone'.
Funny you should mention being led by the Spirit, I was wondering what it meant earlier when someone says that something is or isn't from God.
I suppose the fruits alone or working together would be a pretty good sign maybe? perhaps pausing to notice before action is too. After all we still have a choice in christ Jesus yes?
Of course we know God's leading always lines up with scripture. But interesting enough timing can sometimes throw us off. Remember when 'King' David was carrying out God's will he was to wait for the wind in the mulberry trees. I think for us too when we have a good desire we should first wait on the Lord. If the desire persists and we have a peace about it and we can do it with a clear conscience, then we are good to go.
We know that God is never in a hurry but also never late so if we are walking in His will that will also apply to us.
Of course we know God's leading always lines up with scripture. But interesting enough timing can sometimes throw us off. Remember when 'King' David was carrying out God's will he was to wait for the wind in the mulberry trees. I think for us too when we have a good desire we should first wait on the Lord. If the desire persists and we have a peace about it and we can do it with a clear conscience, then we are good to go.
We know that God is never in a hurry but also never late so if we are walking in His will that will also apply to us.
I do agree, but I also highlighted the part where I was doing all 3 of those things and things still went wrong and caused me great suffering...(I thought they were good choices but turned out what I thought was poor) so how can you explain that?
Perhaps it all in the word"good" desire, is there another word to use? skilful, or smart maybe?

Edit; adding stuff
Of course I don't know your situation nor do I have all the answers, but I can relate. I too had a legitimate desire and an 'anointing' I believe but things went sideways much to my distress. The only thing that I can rest on is that the Lord is working something else out. I think to accept that is perhaps a greater good 'growth" than what I had in mind.
Also in regard to the Word being manifested in the flesh, I think it a great thing to understand that he was all man and yet all God. Our comprehension of God is limited to our imagination which is groomed by the concept of creation yet we know that God is greater than all that.
St. John says 'In the beginning' the question then is - since when does eternity have a beginning? So with creation being something with boundaries we can understand that it is not the source of all things, and the source of course containing the 'good'.
Bit of rambling but I trust you will cut me some slack lol.