Not every one…

Not every one…

You can live your life in a garage it doesn’t make you a car

You can spend hours and hours watching sports tv
Doesn’t make you a soccer star

Crawl round on all fours doesn’t
Make make you the king of the jungle

Neither does swinging through trees make you an orangutang

Singing into your hairbrush in the shower won’t make you a pop star

Heating a can of beans on a stove doesn’t make you a gourmet chef

Take selfies on your camera phone
Won’t make you a superstar

You needs must come to the foot of the cross…

Calling out Lord,Lord doesn’t make you a Christian or reserves your place
‘Less you know Jesus you’ll never get to heaven

By grace you reap your heavenly reward

You can live your life in a garage it doesn’t make you a car

Help me do the natural things spiritually and spiritual thing naturally
Singing into your hairbrush in the shower won’t make you a pop star
Come on now.... I use a WOODEN SPOON.

You can live your life in a garage it doesn’t make you a car
I do live in a garage ( a converted one )... that makes me a troll... HAHA
I am kind of an entitled troll as I REFUSE to live under a bridge.

So nice to see your name in the Neon panel board. HAHA