Not happy clappy all the time☹️

I want to get a….

Sat here this morning feeling battered and bruised
Needing reassurance that
I’m still loved,
You seem so far away right now
And I don’t know why?
Was it something I said or done
Something I forgot?
Flipping through the pages for inspiration
Seeking chapter and verse
But all my brain is receiving is
Bla bla bla
Everything was right when I went to sleep last night
But this morning, what happened?
Why can’t I see the light?
Can someone from heaven send me a message
I want to check if my heart is still working right
For some reason the connection failed and
In spite of pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del
My faith this morning did not reboot
My Dear friend..... who continuously births BRILLIANT thoughts.

We are not always "happy clappy"... we are not always filled with JOY and happiness.... sometimes we run DRY.
Sometimes we experience such deep agony... anxiety... disappointment... even grief. We are not immune to sorrow and suffering... I sure wasn't for decade upon decade.... that was the only emotions I could feel.... but then the JOY came and it is now a part of my life. It's not of my doing.... but rather was a supernatural gift given to me... however... I still have to feed it... care for it... and protect it.

I too have experienced the connection failing.... and like you have experienced... going to bed ok but waking up with a sense of something wrong... a bad dream??? a premonition?? or simply a bad mood that turns into the day?

Try pressing the THANKSGIVING button... I have experienced that it helps get the REBOOT working.
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I remember while working at a recovery facility, we used to say " Stop the Stinkin Thinkin. " And I can easily implement in my life
a Friend of Bills would say and it applies to the words God has given. " Keep Coming Back It Works, If You Work It "
I took allot from that place that is not biblically bound but is biblically applicable. Like the Serenity Prayer is my Go to all day.
Because its short and gets my head away from sin most times.
A friend used to play scripture note bingo
Reading through the many different publications eventually came up with the ‘word’ that was for them for that day???🤪🤪🤪
Just don’t want to try and turn the power off and turn it back on again
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