Now the festivals over

Now the festivals over

I can still taste the flavour
Of that Christmas feast
All the sides accompanying…
Creamed mash and stuffing was the best
Then days spent creating leftover dishes,
Wondering why so many sprouts?
any suggestions what to do with them
Then just as things settled down
New Year hit us head on!

This year was bbq
Ribs, chicken with that amazing sauce, hot dogs
Corn dogs
Well you know all the rest!

My stomach is pleading for mercy
Can’t cope with such a feast!
Blessings in abundance
Had more than my fill

After new year
celebrations all done
Back to bread and cheese sandwiches
And egg and chips.

Then there’s that monthly
reunion to look forward to
We call it the grumpy grandpa club!
off for a full English
At the local rugby club,
We sit there nearly all of us retired no jobs to rush off to
Putting the world to rights til someone says it’s lunch time,
If we don’t move from the table they’ll start charging us rent!

Relaxing watching t.v.
I’ve got the munchies
Off to raid the fridge!
Looking for something special
With memories of past feasts!
A jam sandwich, can of coke hits the spot!

The most special feast is the daily mana Father God provides
To keep body complete…
Thank you for festivals and feasts…

Thank you for our daily bread
on which we so earnestly rely
For family and friends
To share our daily bread,

Here’s to Easter
Hot cross buns and Easter Eggs!