Pauline “Mysteries”

The Lord Jesus Christ lived and spoke to His apostles while He was on earth, and in His natural state; and He chose Paul to reveal many things that nobody knew about. He appeared and spoke to Paul from the “glorified state” (about 8 years after His resurrection). Isn’t it like the Father to choose one who was the worse opposition to Christianity!

Pauline “Mysteries”

“Now to Him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery (revealed only by Paul, e.g. 1Co 1:27, Eph 5:32—NC), which was kept secret since the world began” (Ro 16:25). The mystery, in a general sense, includes all those peculiar revelations kept in silence from the times before Adam and from the generations since Adam. Heavenly revelations they were, given by the Lord to Paul (Act 9:5), according to which his whole ministry proceeds. They revealed resurrection things; they are nonearthly and heavenly in their character, and are connected with neither Judaism more any forms of worship. “For we are the circumcision (spiritually—NC), who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh” (Phl 3:3).

(1) The “mystery of faith” (1Tim 3:9). “The faith” is not only the body of doctrine that sets forth the heavenly truths revealed in Paul’s gospel (Rom 2:16; 16:25; 2Ti 2:8), but that spiritual apprehension of them that held them fast one’s spirit and in a good conscience. It is not opinions, but vital revelations of the Gospel, held as living “oracles of God” (Rom 3:2; Heb 5:12; 1Pe 4:11).

(2) The mystery of the union of Christ and the Church as His Body and Bride, especially revealed in Eph 5:23, but appears throughout all the Pauline epistles, even in Romans 12:5, as also in 1Co 12:12, and Eph 1:22, 23; 5:23; Col 1:18). This union is the basis of all the exhortations to love and obedience.

(3) The “mystery of Christ” (Eph 3:4), shows that in this mystical Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, all having been chosen in Him before the “foundation of the world” (Eph 1:4), having been cut off from their connection by birth with the first Adam at the Cross, and created anew in Christ. Paul was made a minister of this and given the task “to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ” (Eph 3:9). The object was that through this Church might be made known the manifold wisdom of God unto the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Eph 3:10).

The Church itself is to belong to heaven, thought formed by the Spirit on earth (Jhn 3:6, 8), Christ Himself being Head of it, and every believer a member of Christ and of one another in this Body which has been given the highest place in glory, though recreated from earth’s sinners, according to the purpose of the ages (Eph 2:7), which the Father purposes in the Son. The highest place given to the lowest creatures (because man knows better—NC), thus reveals the character of the Father—His manifold wisdom forever as nothing else could do. God Himself love, and the Cross is an exhibition of that love and the commendation of it.

The Church, being given the highest position in heaven, will exhibit the activity of that love which is called in Scripture, grace. The world knows nothing of this. It regards the Church as having taken Israel’s place (which is error—NC), and being simply an earthly religious organization seeking to obey the general human conscience. The world knows nothing of the fact that the Church is already called, justified and glorified, being united to Christ Himself, in death, risen and seated with Him (positionally—NC) in the heavenly places; and that same favor is extended to it, that is extended to the Father’s Beloved, its Head; and its worship is by the Holy Spirit.

(4) “The mystery of God”—even Christ, “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:2, 3). This heavenly and glorified Lord Jesus is revealed to the heart of the believer as the Object of his worship, faith, praise and fellowship—by the Holy Spirit. This heavenly One is altogether unknown by the unsaved man.

(5) The mystery of Christ indwelling the believer (Col 1:26, 27). He is called “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” “Abide in me, and I in you” (John 15:4). This is the great twofold mystery, which in these Colossians verses is said to fill up the Word of God, being the highest revelation therein, and being “the mystery which hath been hid from the ages and generations, but now being manifested. The “riches of the glory of this mystery” is made known to the saints (Col 1:26, 27).

(6) The mystery of the Rapture of the Church at the Lord’s coming into the air, involving both the raising of those who have fallen asleep in the Lord Jesus, and also those alive at that moment (1Thes 4; 1Co 15).

(7) The mystery of the fellow-heirship in Christ of Jew and Gentile (Eph 3:3, 4, 6, 9). This mystery does not seem great to us now who live on this earth, where we are accustomed to Jew and Gentile distinction as well as national differences generally, but when we remember that the Church was chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world (when there was no human being whatsoever), we see how great a secret this is: especially in view of the peculiar promises to national Israel in the Old Testament.

(8) The mystery of the wisdom of God, in secret in Christ (Eph 3:9; Col 3:3): so that Paul and true preachers speak the wisdom of God that has been hidden before the ages for our glory (1Co 2:7). These things are revealed to us by the Spirit Who not only refuses to use man’s wisdom but also man’s words: “in words which the Spirit teacheth combining spiritual things with spiritual words” (1Co 2:13).

(9) The mystery of the Kingdom of God, in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Ro 14:17). Only newborn or newly-created men in Christ know this mystery (2Co 5:17; Jhn 3:3).

(10) The mystery of iniquity (2 Thes 2:7). Satan is not permitted as yet to bring forth fully the apostasy, which will come when the world worships Satan intelligently (Rev 13), the Church having been previously taken away according to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, and Revelation 3:10. Babylon or “confusion” is another name for this mystery in this age—see harlot church (Rev 17), centered in seven-hilled Rome (the papacy and its adherents will represent the “harlot,” on which most Bible commentators agree—NC).

(11) The mystery of the hardening in part of Israel (Ro 11:25). Though there is at present a remnant according to the election of grace (true believers in God, but not yet in Christ—NC), yet national Israel’s eyes (the majority of Israel—NC) are peculiarly blinded to their own Scriptures, to Christ as their Messiah and to grace as God’s only method of salvation (and will be brought to return to fellowship with God after seeing Jesus again and believing, but will not be in the sonship of Christ for not believing before seeing Christ again – “For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?” – “so all Israel shall be saved” - Rom 11:24, 26—NC).

(12) The mystery of God’s will purposed in Christ, looking unto “a dispensation of the fullness of times, to sum up (Eph 1:10) all things in Christ, that is, the things in the heavens and the things upon the earth” (not the lower or lost world, as in Phil 2:10; Rev 5:13). The foundation of this in Eph 2:10 will be the “Blood of His Cross” (Col 1:19, 20). The saints alone have this mighty future purpose of God revealed to them; all others count upon man and the earth, which is cursed.

—Willam R Newell (1868-1956)

MJS devotional for July 27

The Blesser sends trials because the trials are blessings. Most covet the “blessing” of having the trial removed.

“I find the brightest summer is when the winter has been longest and most severe. The wheat, the best grain, passes a winter in the soil. The bud, the blossom, or fruit, most fragrant of Christ, is the one which nobody knows what it cost me but Himself; and where one had hardly noticed it; like the beautiful wild flowers in the hedgerow, contending with bushes and briars, to shed their fragrance on the unthankful or unthinking traveler going by.”

“I think we are sometimes ready to say to the Lord—Could you not have taught me without subjecting me to so much sorrow and humiliation? The answer I have had is, You could not be effectually taught any other way. The Lord knows the nature of the obstacle in me which He has to overcome: a less efficient hand might think that it could be dealt with in some other way.

“A weakness be it bodily or otherwise, is sometimes allowed to continue in order that there may be dependence, and when there is dependence, the weakness becomes a gain; the grit—the trying thing—is superseded by a pearl of great price.” -J.B. Stoney (1814-1897)
This deals with a thread from years ago about the Mystery. In case anyone would be interested in that thread here is the link:

Hello netchaplain;

After reading William Newell's Pauline Mysteries reminds me of God's Ways which are higher than ours.

In Isaiah 55:8-9, 8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration. 9 “For as heaven is higher than earth, so My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

There are many lessons learned of God's mysteries and use of His servants, how I attempted to put myself on the same thought level of our Creator by "my own reason."

So my question to you is, since God uses His servants such as Paul or Newell, isn't it possible they made mistakes in their writings and doesn't God still use their imperfections and turn it around for His good?

God bless you, Bob, and thank you for sharing.
Paul or Newell, isn't it possible they made mistakes in their writings and doesn't God still use their imperfections and turn it around for His good?

i dont know any thing about Newell in fact first time i heard of him. i have no formal education in bible background settings. i only know what i read and study and yes i read others material on the subject . with Paul imho i fail to see how he could have made a mistake in his writings as per scripture.. is it possible anything is he was human with newell since i know nothing of him possible yes . me personally i dont like the term mistake when used with the scriptures as what we read. can he take mistakes imperfections and turn it around for His good? absolutely
Hello netchaplain;

After reading William Newell's Pauline Mysteries reminds me of God's Ways which are higher than ours.

In Isaiah 55:8-9, 8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration. 9 “For as heaven is higher than earth, so My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

There are many lessons learned of God's mysteries and use of His servants, how I attempted to put myself on the same thought level of our Creator by "my own reason."

So my question to you is, since God uses His servants such as Paul or Newell, isn't it possible they made mistakes in their writings and doesn't God still use their imperfections and turn it around for His good?

God bless you, Bob, and thank you for sharing.
Everybody makes mistakes, but if they're Godly men, it's as you say, He uses them for His pleasure. A good example is the rebuke of Paul to Peter (Gal 2:11-14); God was using Peter even though he was wrong at the time.

God's thoughts and ways, being well beyond any other, shows us that we are always secure in Him even when we don't understand things!
i dont know any thing about Newell in fact first time i heard of him. i have no formal education in bible background settings. i only know what i read and study and yes i read others material on the subject . with Paul imho i fail to see how he could have made a mistake in his writings as per scripture.. is it possible anything is he was human with newell since i know nothing of him possible yes . me personally i dont like the term mistake when used with the scriptures as what we read. can he take mistakes imperfections and turn it around for His good? absolutely
Everybody makes mistakes, but if they're Godly men, it's as you say, He uses them for His pleasure. A good example is the rebuke of Paul to Peter (Gal 2:11-14); God was using Peter even though he was wrong at the time. God's thoughts and ways, being well beyond any other, shows us that we are always secure in Him even when we don't understand things!

Hello Bob;

Just a comment. As forgiven shared the term I used "mistake" may not be the correct word. I realize everybody makes mistakes but I was referring specifically to the early scholars of the Scriptures and I included William R Newell.

Endless debates and disagreements have existed for centuries regarding the Bible, that some Books contained errors. God doesn't make mistakes but I strongly believe God can see possible errors of His writers, therefore, God can turn that around for His good.

I'm getting off topic, but for case of example, the Book of Joshua was suggested by some scholars to be the 6th Book of Moses, or the Hexateuch. (I'll provide the name of the scholar later today.)

How can God turn that around for His good? Aside from the Bible with or without errors, we see daily how many people accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior from those who witnessed to them around the world.

God bless you, brother.