Personal or Professional Opinions Asked.

Personal or Professional Opinions Asked Here.
Got to say, you place that sort of open questions and, yes I am open to all opinions.:)

I have been praying allot for guidance in my retirement. One thing I am very well versed at is Podcasts and Youtube etc.
But thought I would ask and opinion from people I just met, over asking those I know.
In my retirement, I have thought about sharing what I have learned over my life. And not really a sermon but discussions. But share in scripture.
And maybe some life lessons. Light but heavy in the word if that makes sense?
The setup I already have everything I need to have a podcast the next day. But I also take a responsibility like this pretty serious.
I have waited and prayed on it, doors have opened up for me to do it.

But one thing I am struggling with is anonymity. I have been pretty public in many things, of which I have had even death threats from those
that do not want me talking about God and being saved or any conservative view around this I had.
Its one thing being protected when in a church environment, its another doing a solo act so to speak.
This is not about me, I do not have to be seen, my name is not important so can people can see me.
In fact one reason of doing so with anonymity was to give all glory to the Lord.
Not the figure head on the screen. I am looking at audio podcasts which have their merits as you can listen and not have to stare at a screen.
I have done both when I was doing Stock investing videos as well. And many people listened to me in their cars on the way to or from work.

I am not looking to boost the podcast on here, which is why I tried to be slightly vague in the presentation so as not appear I joined here to boost a podcast.
But I thought today I joined. And well what better way then to ask those in Christ what they think.?

Thank You for your time. All opinion welcome.
Hello RootedWithGod;

It's encouraging that you are striking up conversation of this type for the membership. I'll pray over Personal or Professional Opinions Asked.
and participate later.

God bless you and thanks.