Pilgrims progress 2023

Straight and narrow way

I’m at a crossroads…
To the left a doorway,
‘Straight and narrow way’
How many saints have gone before?
Is this really the only way
to heaven and eternal life?
Many must have stood there looking through the door,

The other road was broad,
a much easier path,
Bright lights, loud music
Lively conversation
A cacophony of noise,
Weaving through Vanity Fair,
Surrounded by worldly distractions
Imbibing, joys of the flesh
Money , earthly fame,
Anything goes
Many get sidelined,
Sojourned there.

The grass is so much greener
An easier life…
going with the flow,
Taken up with the crowds
gaining momentum, tumbling down
No brakes, out of control!
Slip sliding down to that other place,
That place of no return.

I hear the Master calling
From the door at the narrow gate
Calling me, to come
walk the straight and narrow way’

My legs are weary
Body frail
Frightened I’ll slip off the path,
I struggle,
The mist of temptation fog my mind,
Cajoling me to divert,
Go jump over the wall to the greener grass!
That meadow that slopes gently down…
Deviating from the narrow path,

I struggling on
with my heavy load
Of thing I don’t really need,
TIL I lay my burdens down
TIL I reach the celestial plain
TIL I see heavens gate
TIL I see my name up in lights
‘Welcome, good and faithful servant’,
TIL I’m in the arm of Jesus…
Safely home.

Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Matthew 7:14
Brother Alan Heeley
Thank you for your inspiration to make sure we walk the right path.

God Bless You