Poem#129 Results Of Trials

Poem#129 Results Of Trials

James 1

Whatever trials we’re about to face ahead in the life we’re to live

Keep looking up, keep looking down, keep looking straight ahead

Whichever way Jesus is, that’s the way to focus to follow Him

Disciples faced storms on boats even though many were fishermen

Still when they were unfocused on Christ their know how went overboard

Fear made them lose their marbles & their minds, until focused on Jesus

Whatever Christ is preparing us for rest assured He’ll see us through

The Work He’s doing in us, will be finished through us until completion

Keep the Faith even if the end result won’t be known until His time

Being Human carriers of the Word of God wasn’t easy for Disciples

But the Disciples were the only Book for people to hear the Gospel

And if people didn’t want to hear they would suffer for the Gospel

End results of what God’s doing isn’t living the highlife of book covers

Because getting to the end often means living out in blood, sweat & tears

Bible days to the end of days, roads maybe paved, still we live on

When we’re left clapping for Joy at the end of our Trials people look

Wondering how we’re keeping the faith still standing after going through

That’s what focusing on Jesus does in giving perseverance

If we’ve lived long enough we’re not going to be the same as started

But also the Trust we have in the Lord will have grown as Faith steadies

After Jesus said of Little Faith, He gave the Faith needed in Faithfulness