Poem#142 City On A Hill
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Revelation
City on the hill where’s the City’s people no where to be found
Instead of being the city of Light the candles have been blown
Pillars of smoke only remain from last breath of dust in the wind
Warriors of pride came through the City on a hill ravaging it’s minds
Pillaging hearts unguarded until only thing left was bitterness & hate
Leftovers of cold dishes of revenge not even Coyotes will touch
City on the hill that stopped it’s church bells from ringing hope
Adopting Pharisees policies for sake of traditions not of Christ
Replacing the Head for the tale going backwards into darkness
Way in the distance a Donkey with a Pregnant Girl on it’s back is seen
Led by a Simple Man , nobody expected the Messiah to come this way
Nobody saw a King coming into the World as a way of a Servant
Out of the Wilderness came a wild Man that ate Locust & Honey
Coming to the river by the City on a hill beckoning it’s people out
So began John the Baptist preparing for Sandals not His to carry
The King that came down from His throne to be born of a Virgin came
Now coming up from the Waters after being Baptized by John, doves
Came down on Christ as the Holy Spirit, voice of the Father was heard
Oh City on a Hill what have you done to the Hero that you’ve Crucified
After all the healings, casting out demons, telling the Way to Be Saved
People couldn’t do nothing but yell crucify because of Sin, Our Sin
The Cross still stained of the blood of Christ that forgave us of our Sins
Still stands outside the City on a Hill, the Grave’s stone has been rolled
The Son of God walks among it’s People revealing Himself one by one
City on a hill the King of Kings is returning vengeance is the Lord’s
The Victory has been Won, City’s Poets have written the Victory Song
The Light of Christ is being relit Church bells have begun ringing
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Revelation
City on the hill where’s the City’s people no where to be found
Instead of being the city of Light the candles have been blown
Pillars of smoke only remain from last breath of dust in the wind
Warriors of pride came through the City on a hill ravaging it’s minds
Pillaging hearts unguarded until only thing left was bitterness & hate
Leftovers of cold dishes of revenge not even Coyotes will touch
City on the hill that stopped it’s church bells from ringing hope
Adopting Pharisees policies for sake of traditions not of Christ
Replacing the Head for the tale going backwards into darkness
Way in the distance a Donkey with a Pregnant Girl on it’s back is seen
Led by a Simple Man , nobody expected the Messiah to come this way
Nobody saw a King coming into the World as a way of a Servant
Out of the Wilderness came a wild Man that ate Locust & Honey
Coming to the river by the City on a hill beckoning it’s people out
So began John the Baptist preparing for Sandals not His to carry
The King that came down from His throne to be born of a Virgin came
Now coming up from the Waters after being Baptized by John, doves
Came down on Christ as the Holy Spirit, voice of the Father was heard
Oh City on a Hill what have you done to the Hero that you’ve Crucified
After all the healings, casting out demons, telling the Way to Be Saved
People couldn’t do nothing but yell crucify because of Sin, Our Sin
The Cross still stained of the blood of Christ that forgave us of our Sins
Still stands outside the City on a Hill, the Grave’s stone has been rolled
The Son of God walks among it’s People revealing Himself one by one
City on a hill the King of Kings is returning vengeance is the Lord’s
The Victory has been Won, City’s Poets have written the Victory Song
The Light of Christ is being relit Church bells have begun ringing