Poem#16 Up Or Down

Poem#16 Up Or Down

Genesis 28

How are we looking as we lay, not just the way of the stars

Not talking direction of the eyes even though they be closed

Which way is the heart looking? Is it towards the Peace of God?

Whichever Water flows abundance of the rivers of our heart

Heading for the waterfall that will bring it over the hard rocks

If only we had a Crucifixion prophecy to turn those waters Red

If only we’d know what we’re seeing as we’re Dreaming like Jacob

As many don’t realize they are the Dust that God was speaking of

The Story of God would speak to them in a Dream of His Word

The Angels going up and down in the stairway of our Lives

With God standing trying to get our attention to tell us something

If we don’t straighten the flow of what’s going through our hearts

Especially those caught up in the white waters of Traditions

That’s caused our heart to hardened like stones stopping flow

Don’t let ego, & pride stop the up & down flow causing us to dry

God made the way up & down in the Heaven inside our heart

Through making a way for Heaven to come down to meet us

The Seed of 3:15 keeps rooting to making a Bridge in our Heart

Making a way East to West through the blood of Jesus Christ

Making a way up & down the River of our Heart flowing Jesus

We couldn’t come to Heaven, so God came down to Us