Poem#17 Foolish Traditions

Poem#17 Foolish Traditions

Galatians 3, James 2:14-26, Luke 15:17-32

Oh Blinded by foolish Traditions of the law instead of fulfilling

Not through endless sacrifices to cover multitude of sins by blood

Couldn’t see the cross with the Lamb of God building the Temple

Through Faith by Grace the Son of God did what we couldn’t

In doing so the Temple that was torn down was built in 3 days

Just as Jesus said He was going to do ending Traditions of Law

Deaf & Dumb was the foolish Traditions as we read past Isaiah

The 400 years of silence between God & the luke warm people

Because Tradition of the law was becoming Less sacrament

The same goes for the lukewarm Christians playing Church

Instead of being the Church Jesus has called off the couch

Jesus has come to divide The Way & those playing House

Sooner rather than later the Traditionalist of the Law & House

Will learn Faith & works go hand in hand being lead by Jesus

One cannot coexist without the body following the Head

Jesus is the Head of the Church & we’re the Body, His House

Not by following the Same foolish Traditions, but through Humility

When we come back as unworthy servants, He sees Sons Returning

The Lost in the Law can be found if only had Faith to Believe Grace

That through confession, through calling on the Name all can be Saved

We’re Humbled by Him that bore Our Sins so we could Bore His Life