Poem#18 Not What We Ask

Poem#18 Not What We Ask

Genesis 29

How often do we pray for our wants & not get what we think

Because we don’t understand we don’t know what to pray

How are we to except the Answer Pride doesn’t want to hear

Even though Romans wasn’t written during Jacob’s time

God’s Word never changes, always does what’s spoken

Sometimes takes a day, other times takes years of God’s

The more we keep talking to God the Father more will learn

What the Heart really desires is what we’ve been avoiding

We really don’t need anything, just need to hear God’s Voice

Jacob wanted one thing & got another, but like everyone else

Dealing with a prideful heart, theirs a time & a season to complete

The time God uses to clean out pride & for everyone to grow up

Until we’re understanding Praying isn’t about the asking of wants

We’re missing out the most important part as God already knows

Thank God for sending His Son so His Son could send His Helper

God we should have known as the Father we got to know as Son

The Holy Spirit we got to know as Jesus walked the earth until 33

Then when Jesus became the Lamb on the Cross it was Finished

Thank God what we want when we want it isn’t what we asked

The Twelve tribes of God could have looked so different in outcome

God knows all we really want & need is a Relationship with Him

We won’t understand what we want until the Need of having Jesus

Because all we’re wanting is to be Loved, to feel Loved which we lost

Until we’re Born again a Spirit Risen reconnected to God who is Love