Poem#21 The Seed

Poem#21 The Seed

Genesis 3:15, Mark 4:1-9, John 12:24

How far down must we dig until deep enough to plant

The Seed that often gets lost in the darkness in burial

And then gets forgotten about when we don’t see growth

What starts out so tiny buried in the deep darkness of earth

Which requires watering everyday and fed the sun everyday

When the World gives up the most powerful we underestimate

The Seed that was first planted after the fall in Genesis 3:15

Mankind never understood no matter how much God watered

The Watering, the Feeding of the Promises until Jesus came

Parable of the Sower Jesus said if we didn’t understand this one

No parable would we be able to understand, the seed of His Word

Seeds that get buried deep in the darkness of our Heart

Stop underestimating the power of the seed planted inside us

Even when it starts out as a mustard seed don’t lose the Faith

The Seed planted by God will break through when we Feed it

The Seed of Life that got planted after taking our Death on the Cross

The Seed when planted dead plants more seeds then mankind counts

When the Orginal Seed gets Risen we Get risen in the Seed of Christ

How often do we plant the Seed given by God & then forgotten

Or even discouraged when not seeing the growth before our eyes

Never give up on the Seed planted, keep watering, feeding

The Words we plant often go deeper then we can even imagine

The darkness in our heart runs deep with pride piled high on top

What we don’t see in the Night is God chipping away

The Seed of God is coming through the power of His Word

The Seed’s breaking through into the Light that shines inside

The Love of God can’t be stopped, keep Believing His Word