Poem#22 Cut Of the Covenant

Poem#22 Cut Of the Covenant

Genesis 12, Ephesians 2:12, Romans 4, Genesis 3

What if someone came up to you & said at age 99 be a Father

& the Mother to be would be 90 I bet you would laugh at first too

Until realizing it was the Almighty God of the Possible that said It

The God of all Creation that told of the seed in Genesis 3:15

Stood before Abram making a Covenant that’s a beautiful story

That few will understand because they don’t understand the Blood

The Miracle that started all Miracles was happening way back

The God that does the Possible when only the Impossible is seen

That walked through the Middle of the Sacrifice while Abram Slept

Birth of Isaac was the First of many Possibles out of the Impossibles

Once God made the Covenant nothing was going to stop the Seed

Not until that Seed was Born to become Our Perfect Lamb in Jesus

The Covenant to the Father of many Nations is still Active, as is Jesus

Those that curse Abraham still curse themselves today as God Promised

The Cross in the Middle covered Our Blood our Part in the Covenant

When we accept Jesus as Savior in Romans 10 we get grafted

When we’re Adopted we get Cut into the Covenant of the Promise

God’s still doing the Possible Miracles, So Believe in God’s Glory

We’re being Called to Believe like Abraham at God’s Holy Word in Faith

Which was started in the First Covenant so that All that Called on Jesus

The Only name which Mankind can be Saved will be Saved in Jesus

Blood Covenant that God made with Abraham that goes back to Eden

Knowing the devil, the fallen angels couldn’t bleed, God made a Covering

Which meant the Sins of the World was going to be Redeemed by Jesus

Don’t we understand yet We’re made with Blood given by God

Not just made of Dust with flesh on our bones with a soul & a face

We’re the Image of God made to Bleed unlike the Angels for Sacrifice

God’s Grace Redeemed us through the blood of Jesus on the Cross

Satan couldn’t stop Jesus from lifting up His Heel to crush his head

The Precious Blood of God brings us to a place satan can’t enter Home