Poem#23 Under Root Power

Poem#23 Under Root Power

Genesis 3:15, Genesis 12, Genesis 30, Acts 2, Romans 11

Underneath everything we’ve been reading in the Bible

We’re only getting above the surface of what God shows

Waiting for the Root of Faith to take hold from the Seed

For with everything comes a Seed that grows bringing life

So long we’re feeding it Life & letting in the Breathe of God

Tilling the ground of our Heart through what we Hear in Words

We’re not going to see the Root we’ve been reading in the Bible

That expanded into more Roots that’s inner connected to Him

Through Faith that was counted as righteousness of One Man

Because of that One man in Abraham the Promise of the Covenant

The past through the Root nobody could see connected to the Cross

Powering up what only God with Thoughts Higher then ours Thinks up

We’ve been promised a Helper of All Truth but we couldn’t understand

After roots of Scripture being fulfilled Immanuel God with us in the Flesh

Didn’t understand Jesus is the Lamb to Supply the Blood for Passover

From the same Root that supplied the Power needed for the negative

Foot that was Raised to strike the Head of the Serpent came Positive

More then a Root of a plant came from the Seed that nobody saw

Not until being Born Again becoming a New Creation of a Covenant

Did we get plugged into the Glory that was Risen just like Jesus Said

Through the Ears that were Plugged into the Power of the Word

The Under Root we couldn’t see before the Reading of the Bible

On the fiftieth day after Passover the Might Wind of the Helper

Lifted the vail revealing the Under Root that connects us All

Since the Beginning the Under Root of the Word that’s God

Has been planting seeds connecting all roots that Believe Him

Through the Power of Faith we walk Electrified when Plugged In

We won’t understand what we can’t see until we Plug into Jesus

Our Spirit has come alive we got to remember to Stay in His Word

That spark of Life, the Holy Fire only works when We’re Plugged In
Oh my goodness.... Walker ... You are very talented. Your poems are profoundly deep.
Thank you for taking the time to share them here on the Forums. I know that the others with the gift of poetry
also appreciate your talent. GOD BLESS YOU Walker.... This one touched my heart.
Hello Walker;

Thank you for sharing Poem#23 Under Root Power

How are you doing in your Church and ministry? Do you feel this impact the poems you write?

God bless
you, brother.
Hello Bob,

This past month I haven’t been to my church a whole lot, #1 June was a busy month for my parents who were away 2 of the weeks and a weekend, so no ride for 3 Sundays, plus it’s a church that requires partnership to serve which I don’t exactly agree with,plus some medical things pop up that I didn’t want to deal with at church.
Also the mens church Bible study is taking the summer off.
But what I have been doing since June 1st or little before is rediscovered the Love for The Gospel Bill show with Willie George who played Gospel Bill when I was growing up and wouldn’t be surprised it being how I got saved way back when, but did a google search found Willie George is the founding Pastor of on the move church, also does a podcast on YouTube and other platforms you listen to podcasts called My Faith Roots which I have been listening to and Willie George teaches great like He did on the Gospel Bill show except too adults now. I took the Month off from writing as the by phone Bible study I’m apart of 2 days a week was taking a month break, but I was learning a lot which I applied to this poem as the break is over.

I do feel God working in what He’s been teaching me.
Oh my goodness.... Walker ... You are very talented. Your poems are profoundly deep.
Thank you for taking the time to share them here on the Forums. I know that the others with the gift of poetry
also appreciate your talent. GOD BLESS YOU Walker.... This one touched my heart.
Thanks so much, I did ask the Holy Spirit before writing to take me deeper, and He did Praise God in thankfulness