Poem#24 Seasons of Grief & Growth

Poem#24 Seasons of Grief & Growth

Job 1, Ecclesiastes 3

Theirs no reason we can think of why it’s happening now

Not always a reason for the seasons we’re going through

God doesn’t need a reason for allowing, but for pride

Satan comes & goes seeking whom he can devour to destroy

But God says look at my Servant who serves God’s righteousness

Who can handle this storm when remembering God is with Them

Season of Winter comes on us All as we’re all dying inside of growth

Waiting for the Spring thawing bringing new life growing pains & trials

Which doesn’t always bring the growth expected as weeds take over

While God’s grieving with us as we’re going through loss He’s looking

God’s seeing what we can’t always see the pride growing inside hearts

Not until the wound appears allowing for His Light to shine inside

Summer tends to get hot & dry just like our times at the Lord’s Well

We’ve been putting off that drink of water & wonder why it’s so hot

While the Bible sits collecting dust of our ever barren heart

The more hearts tend to dry the more weeds of pride tend to grow

Remember even though Jesus is the Living water, we still need to drink

The thirst in Christ is only satisfied when we’re drinking His Word

Seasons of grief come & go like the storms revealing our heart

Which God sees but if He doesn’t pullout the weed of pride growing

We’re like drifting out to sea getting harder & harder to come back
Your talent is mind-blowing. What a gift you have Walker.
Thanks I appreciate it I give God the glory even as I go through trials of my own in health issues as of late first a painful cyst,got that taken care, but now dealing with facial pain & headaches like I’ve had in the past that came and went, so I know this too will pass, also know people going through their own trials, and Tonight starting a new study on Job and seeing the Vision to write about it