Poem#26 God So Loved

Poem#26 God So Loved

John 3, Romans, Ephesians 6, 1st, 2nd, 3rd John

Everyone’s so quick to quote John 3:16 until offended

Then we conveniently skip over 17 & start condemning

God so Loved the World not to condemn, but to Save

Jesus didn’t come down to take His fight to the People pawns

Jesus teached, showed what Leaders of the day could not, Love

Jesus took the Fight which started in Eden to Death & the devil

The World didn’t understand what Jesus was doing 2000 years ago

The World today still doesn’t understand as they mocked then & now

Still the Death on the Cross was for All Sinners & Mockers Me & You

While we still hated Jesus with our chant’s of crucifie Him Jesus died

Before taking His final Breath Jesus said” Forgive Them they Know Not”

Don’t let the devil distract us from telling someone their Forgiven

While the World hates Jesus through hating us we’re failing to Love

Jesus has overcome the World so we can focus on Loving Jesus Christ

Through feeding the Gospel to His Sheep & showing He Loves Them

Sure we can get upset at the way the World treats our Lord & Savior

Just can’t let the sun go down with Anger & not tell someone the Gospel

Yes what the World does in mocking is wrong, but let me tell about Jesus

For God So Loved The World He gave His Only Son to Die for You

Jesus Didn’t Come To Condemn , But To Save So that we May Believe

Because If We Don’t Believe will be missing How Jesus Loves Us

Our battles isn’t against flesh & blood, but against principalities

It’s why we’re to put on the whole armor of God while telling of Jesus

Pray, Pray in letting Jesus fight satan while we Love on People
Thank you for sharing these amazing words !! 🙂

Thanks Gary, felt the Holy Spirit give the reminder to the out cry reaction to the last supper that we should use it as an opportunity to Disciple, to feed the Sheep the Gospel, to say yes they moch, but let me tell you what Jesus actually was doing that night for you and me.