Poem#27 Shades Of

Poem#27 Shades Of

Genesis 3 Luke 11:34-38

Since the Beginning of our existence what we bring to attention

Will bring us to the Light or takes us into the darkness of death

Talking about what looks good to the eyes or temptation to bad

We’ve been struggling ever since with what looks good to the eyes

And bringing it against what we know God told us and weighing it

Unfortunately not everyone sticks to what’s Written to say no

Nobody knows how far down on the scale we’ve gone until the Cross

The bloody arms of Jesus is the only one Holding us from tipping over

The consequences seems to go through the eyes without a thought

Birth of Sin grows up to bring us death brought forth from our Eyes

The devil said look here and we’ve looked until we’ve become blind

Jesus said if you must stick a needle through your right Eye to see

What we’ve seen on TV played on the news must be screen filtered

Not everything that looks good is what God calls good in His Word

What goes through the eyes is often slander going through the ears

Truth comes in witnesses of Two or Three so why are we accusing

We that Proclaim Christ should no better then to accuse Brother’s

The Arm’s of Christ kept them from tipping the scale of hell also

Keeping our eyes on God’s Word will be the shades to the Light

Don’t be taking the shades off and be falling into dark temptations

Put the shades of God back on to find the Door the Crossway out