Poem#28 Who’s Voices

Poem#28 Who’s Voices

Job 2 and 3, Psalm 46, 23

Nobody knows why sickness poor in health comes

Except what we put into ourselves by own choices

It’s still up to us who’s voices we choose to Believe

Yes the devil might be having a conversation with Our Lord

We still have choices to make no matter the circumstances

We know what God said VS what we’re currently being told

Started in Eden with Eve should have chosen God’s Word

Now we’re fighting the voice of our flesh & our reborn Spirit

Will we finally hold on to what we Know God said & Trust

Sickness, heartache, whatever has come upon our flesh

Putting all feelings aside the still small voice inside reminds

We’re now a new Creation Our Spirit has been reborn

Christ in the old is the same Christ in the New with a Helper

The Holy Spirit brings the Truth such a time as this to speak

Scripture that we memorize comes in times of weakness

God is our Refuge & strength a very present help in trouble

Whom shall we fear? The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want

By the Stripes of He Jesus we’re Healed, His Grace is sufficient

Job might not have had the New Testament to draw God’s Helper

Still He had God while navigating those voices coming to his head

We need to keep Trusting the Power of Praising, Worshiping God

Like Job we have to be careful who’s voice we’re listening too

The right voice will lift us up, the other will lead us down to pride

Hold to Faith what Our Ears Heard God Say He will Deliver Us