Poem#29 Embrace Them

Poem#29 Embrace Them

Genesis 33, Luke 15

If we haven’t yet we’re gonna to hurt someone just matter of when

Especially in a day everyone’s getting offended by the little things

Let alone by what we say not understanding Who changes hearts

Not a matter of thicker skin between Brothers, but that of hearts

Whether it comes down to a bowl of stew, a birthright to blessings

Theirs a Prodigal in all of us even in Divine intervention of a Promise

The fine lines were going to walk that lack of balance in right & wrong

Pride’s gonna trip us until we fall & it’s not the landing that’s gonna hurt

The hurts going to come from picking up the pieces with the same pride

Until we let go the bitterness, the unforgivness rooted inside our heart

Until we’ve come to terms of eating with the pigs & what we’re doing

This will be when we’re remembering we have a Father that loves Us

Like the embrace of the Father in Forgiveness we too must embrace

Those we’ve done wrong & those that wronged us, must forgive Them

Even the Judas’s Kiss must be forgiven for the hearts to change

Jacob feared the revenge of the Brother because of what he did

Both Brothers were blessed by God just as God said he would do

God’s working on Hearts of Men if we’d only Let Him

Stop wrestling Grace it’s impossible to pickup our own broken pieces

Forgiveness isn’t a matter of Faith, its a Matter of doing God’s Will

Like when Jesus took our offence of many & Said Forgive Them

Like the Prodigal we were, like Esau ran to Jacob, God runs to Us

We’ve been forgiven, we’ve been given humbled hearts to kneel

The rest is up to us to finish the healing through our Own Forgiving