Poem#3 Reflection of 856

Sharing a poem about a bear I watch on YouTube explore bears & bison live cam of brooksfalls katmai Alaska

Poem#3 Reflection of 856

Watching bear 856 zenning out as if staring in the river

Caused me to take notice of His reflection staring back

Oh the wonder of bear 856 & the life he has lived

Between bear 856 & God only knows the trails He’s taken

The life He’s lived since leaving the Sow Bear that raised Him

The Trials bear 856 had to go through God only knows

Bear cams at brooksfalls can only reveal of a bear so much

The life bear 856 has lived , the battles gone through to survive

The life lessons, the play lessons in training to getting stronger

How many winter sleeps did bear 856 go through until waking

Feeling confident in rising in the bear hierarchy to being top bear

How many challenges did bear 856 go through to reach the top

If only we could ask 856 what’s harder getting there or staying?

If we look deep look closer to the scars & listen to the scars tales

They would speak of the twelve long years twelve hard years living

Can only imagine the privilege it would have been to watch bear 856

God only knows the life lived, & how many 856 Jr’s roaming of His face

Maybe the tale of licking their lips too will give them away as yours

The life bear 856 must have lived to reach the point in his life to zen

Maybe the years of hanging out with the bear King Otis is paying off

Maybe the years of being at the top are wearing heavy on your shoulders

Bear 856 years living are far from over bear’s zeal far from done

Hierarchy has taken on a meaning of being more wise in his scars

When push comes to shove don’t count bear 856 out

Reflection of bear 856 will tell us if we listen close He’s a Survivor

The years lived, the trails walked in getting to this point in the river

Bear 856 & God only knows the Words spoken as God speaks to Us

Check out my Facebook group God and bears of brooksfalls to see collection of bear snapshots and poems about God and bears and some times awesome scenery https://www.facebook.com/groups/833306028492471/?ref=share