Poem#30 Robbing God’s Goodness

Poem#30 Robbing God’s Goodness

Job 3, Psalm 139, Malachi 3:8-12

Even in the suffering look for the Goodness of God

Don’t be wishing for anything else that Hinders this

God’s not done with us until His Work is complete

Doubt may come but doubt doesn’t have to win

Even when suffering for the Lord even when it hurts

What’s happening in the World Christ overcomes

Don’t have to give in to the devil’s mind games in our head

So many have given in without seeing the Door held opened

Jesus is the Door that’s always open for us to run through

No matter what we’re going through don’t be wishing against God

Theirs other ways of robbing God & that’s through calling it quits

Jesus formed us in our Mothers Womb, He’s written all of our Days

Don’t be wishing never been born that’s robbing God’s Goodness

Robbing God’s work that He started to be completed through Us

Robbing God’s chance to Love Us to Love others through His Glory

Even in suffering as the Holy Spirit comes in the Hour of need

Just as the Spirit’s done through everyone that’s a Living Sacrifice

So that we may Live until the Work of the Lord maybe Completed

We’re going to get through the suffering just like any other storm

God’s not looking to make dead sacrifices out of our pain, because

God’s already planned doing that Himself so that we might Live

Don’t be robbing God before Jesus saves us on that Rugged Cross

Jesus needs us to keep living to complete the Work in our rebirth Spirit

Every Breath we take leads up to what Jesus did to Raise Us Up