Poem#31 Heat Of The Moment

Poem#31 Heat Of The Moment

Genesis 34

Wicked people will come & go whether we’re holy or not

God sees what they’re going to do with their free will intent

Question will remain will we remember God’s covenant

Anger will come & go when we’re violated in ways not thought possible

Still comes down to the anger we still have at sunset before we sleep

Will we in the heat of the moment remember God’s Promises

Sweet Justice will come against those that curse those He’s blessed

Vengeance is the Lord’s & so is the way of Mercy & Forgiving Them

Seek Justice show mercy as the Lord’s way is Just

Never easy when someone wicked comes against what we believe

Defiling those we love most, that came from our blood from our Family

Still it will be bitterness we allow to dwell that will destroy within

Battles won’t be coming from flesh & blood that’s clothes for souls

Not all minds will be all there or will they all be dwelling alone up there

Demons are real just like Angels are real, if we’re not for the Lord?

Thankfully the Seed of Christ has been fulfilled & we can run to Him

We’ve got hindsight which the Children of Jacob didn’t have to look

Still they had the Covenant of God passed down from Abraham & Isaac

Everything will come down to whatever we go through to Remember

Will we remember in the heat of the moment we’re now God’s adopted

God’s Our Father who we can go to for Help in troubled times like these