Poem#32 No Halfway Friends

Poem#32 No Halfway Friends

Job 4

Not everyone we’re called to love will be called a friend

Not every word we hear will be wise even from a Brother

A true Friend won’t object a request of confirmation 3 times

A friend to God can’t be a friend to the World can’t be halfway

Will either be all the way inside heaven or all the way inside hell

We can’t be listening to half truths without expecting a full lie

Without two or three witnesses no true Justice can be found

Can’t convict on slander alone no matter how the devil tries

Still the devil will convince us to convict until filled with hate

Like the friends of Job ignoring the truth that we’re born sinners

Still doesn’t mean we keep on sinning for the fear of the lion’s roar

Not when true Fear of the Lord produces Wisdom to draw us near

The company we keep in person or on a screen will lead to doors

Doors not meant for us to open as they lead to the way out the Gate

Don’t we understand the only way Satan can touch us, if we Leave

When the Lord is our Shepherd the devil needs permission to touch

Seeking counseling outside the Word of God is walking past the gate

The One gate that All must pass coming or going friend or no friend

True Friends will come through the Gate of the Lord won’t be a goat

A True Brother that brings a Word won’t be offended by confirmation

God’s Word will take us where the Lion lays down beside the Lamb

Any word that Leads us away is a Lamb lead astray & isn’t of God

The Counseling of God will cause pride to fall at the Gate as we kneel

Truth & Grace takes us before the Shepherd that Layed down His Life
Hello Walker;

Poem#32 No Halfway Friends

My wife and I had this conversation a couple of days ago. We have friends from childhood that we love. Last year when we visited them was a nice reunion. They showed us around and asked us questions about God, faith and the world and it made for nice conversation between us.

But after we left and traveled back home we really haven't been in touch again.

Through life though I had known my friend since we were kids we didn't seem to have that connection or much in common. As Christians we love them but we've all moved on.

I always find that loving everyone as the Lord commands but getting out of God's way and letting them go is best.

God bless
you, Kyle, but the poem brought about these thoughts in me and wanted to share.
Poem#32 No Halfway Friends

Job 4

Not everyone we’re called to love will be called a friend

Not every word we hear will be wise even from a Brother

A true Friend won’t object a request of confirmation 3 times

A friend to God can’t be a friend to the World can’t be halfway

Will either be all the way inside heaven or all the way inside hell

We can’t be listening to half truths without expecting a full lie

Without two or three witnesses no true Justice can be found

Can’t convict on slander alone no matter how the devil tries

Still the devil will convince us to convict until filled with hate

Like the friends of Job ignoring the truth that we’re born sinners

Still doesn’t mean we keep on sinning for the fear of the lion’s roar

Not when true Fear of the Lord produces Wisdom to draw us near

The company we keep in person or on a screen will lead to doors

Doors not meant for us to open as they lead to the way out the Gate

Don’t we understand the only way Satan can touch us, if we Leave

When the Lord is our Shepherd the devil needs permission to touch

Seeking counseling outside the Word of God is walking past the gate

The One gate that All must pass coming or going friend or no friend

True Friends will come through the Gate of the Lord won’t be a goat

A True Brother that brings a Word won’t be offended by confirmation

God’s Word will take us where the Lion lays down beside the Lamb

Any word that Leads us away is a Lamb lead astray & isn’t of God

The Counseling of God will cause pride to fall at the Gate as we kneel

Truth & Grace takes us before the Shepherd that Layed down His Life
Really enjoyed this. Thank You.
Its is interesting and why i enjoyed it, was seeing you put things in a very basic form.
But then makes so much sense in how it works.:coffee:
Hello Walker;

Poem#32 No Halfway Friends

My wife and I had this conversation a couple of days ago. We have friends from childhood that we love. Last year when we visited them was a nice reunion. They showed us around and asked us questions about God, faith and the world and it made for nice conversation between us.

But after we left and traveled back home we really haven't been in touch again.

Through life though I had known my friend since we were kids we didn't seem to have that connection or much in common. As Christians we love them but we've all moved on.

I always find that loving everyone as the Lord commands but getting out of God's way and letting them go is best.

God bless
you, Kyle, but the poem brought about these thoughts in me and wanted to share.
Thanks for sharing Bob, studying Job mixes with what’s been going on in the world today, not just friends we knew, but the way people are being led to hate just by what’s being shared on the news and what people are being led by narratives instead of actual facts. Really have to be careful who we listen too and remember to pray and read God’s Word and pray again.