Poem#33 This Land

Poem#33 This Land

2nd Chronicles 7:14-15, Revelation Seven Churches

Unless we can touch someone through a screen turn it off

Drawing in the fear of the world isn’t doing anybody good

Until we humble ourselves to humble the country we live

Theirs only been One solution to the world’s problems we see

Our Problem is that our eyes are looking everywhere but Jesus

We’re doing everything but doing what He said to Love Him

The world’s morals have gotten twisted as the Church turns

Foundation no longer upon the Rock as we please the World

We’re to Love without selling the sin in a house of prayer

Getting caught up listening to the lies the devil tells once again

Will we ever learn between the lines Truth & facts, lies & slander

God’s Truth doesn’t twist, God tells it like it is with Love

Learning to Love like Jesus without condemning one another

Instead of pointing fingers at them, ask the Holy Spirit to speak

Asking the right questions like Jesus to think to turn from Sin

Jesus was perfect without Sin so know theirs away to Love Sinners

Without bringing their idols into the House of God tempting more Sin

If we’re to heal this Land must show them how to humble ourselves

Get comfortable in getting uncomfortable walking on our knees

The Way to changing how we think towards sin & God’s Kingdom

Only then will God hear our Prayers to heal through the Jesus

We’re not going to help anybody listening to the wrong narrative

We’ve got One Gospel to use in showing the One Way to be Saved

Only the Holy Spirit can reach through every Household to Revive
Poem#33 This Land 2nd Chronicles 7:14-15, Revelation Seven Churches
Until we humble ourselves to humble the country we live

Hello Walker;

This poem brought a thought within me. There are so many TV shows that encourage the audience and viewer's immorality, and loss or respect for human life.

Poem#33 This Land

gives us all much to think about.

God bless
you, brother, and thank you for sharing.